The Wounded Catine

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As Norah approached the war grounds she saw from a distance that Ms Bretrix had already begun teaching.
She quickened her pace as she hoped to simply slip into the class unnoticed.

But unfortunately the sharp eyed Professor saw her..

"Norah. You are late!", she exclaimed .

"I.. uh.. I", stammered Norah as her mind scrambled about searching for an excuse .

Ms Bretrix gave her a disappointing look and Norah hung her face with embarrassment. Ms Bretrix was one of the Professors Norah admired and the thought of disappointing her, pained her.
She trudged her skirt nimbly and made her way towards the crowd of students who were staring at her.
She heard someone snicker from behind. She guessed it was Veronica.

"Anyways as I was speaking, before i got distracted..", continued Ms Bretrix. "Can anybody tell me what are the three basic principles that you need to master in oder to heal anything?" she asked.

"Raise your hand Norah!", said a soft voice out of nowhere and Norah jumped in surprise. It was the same voice who had spoken to her earlier in Professor Alfred's class. She turned around to check whether anybody had heard the voice and as before nobody had.

"Who are you? And why are you after me ?" asked Norah nervously. The voice had really began to freak her out. She hadn't told anyone about it for she didn't want to sound psychotic, but now Norah was doubting herself.

"I am not here to scare you Norah. I am here to help", said that soothing mysterious voice again, "Trust me! Raise your hand!"

Before Norah could stop herself, she impulsively raised her hand.

"Yes Norah!", asked an annoyed Ms Bretrix.

"I know the answer Professor." she blurted out. Miss Bretrix looked at her a little taken aback.

Norah cursed herself underneath her breath. First she was late to the class and now she had raised her hand to answer a questions she definitely didn't know. She was gonna make a fool of herself.

Norah saw Ms Bretrix was loosing her patience and so she quickly opened her mouth in an attempt to speak anything and just then something extremely unexpected happen. The answers stuck her all of a sudden, it was as if she had known about it all her life.

"The main components of healing are the three C. Comprehension, Compassion and Control!
You need to comprehend exactly what is the extent of injury. Then you need to understand the pain of your the victim and third you need to control the power of your healing, so that you don't exhaust your magical reserve .", said Norah.

Ms Bretrix looked at her with admiration, "That is very impressive Norah!", said she.

Norah smiled at her blushing at the compliment for her answer had made Ms Bretrix forgot about her earlier encounter!

Ms Bretrix turned her attention back towards her class, "So with these three steps you can master any healing spell you desire and that's what I am gonna show you. Everyone follow me to the helen edifice", declared Ms Bretrix as she turned around and started walking towards the healing building of Draxal Makuto.

The crowd of students burst into murmurs as they followed Ms Bretrix like a herd of cattle excited about the healing class.

"What did Ms Diana want?" asked a voice from beside. Norah turned and saw Zoya stepping in line beside her.

"Oh.. It was nothing! She just wanted to make sure that i was okay!", spoke out Norah trying to sound casual.

Zoya looked at her roommate staring aimlessly ahead of her. She knew she was lying about Ms Diana and also about a lot of other things. But since she had grown to trust Norah, Zoya didn't push the matter further and turned her glance away.

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