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"Rise and shine my followers for today we began our beautiful journey. The journey which we have waited to fulfil for a very long time. The purpose of our life!", the shrill voice vibrated around the dim cave as the cave worshippers of Ambrosia assembled together in sleek lines to embark upon their destiny.

Their faces covered with the usual black mask streaked with red flames at the corners. Their eyes hidden by the oversized dusky hoods and their bodies wrapped in loose robes. The array of feet lay perfectly aligned with one another, as the fleet of warriors stood in precise formations. Identical sharp swords hung from their waists and their mouths worded the same chant in sync,

"Return my King!"
"Return my king!"
"Return my King!"

The worshippers had spent years in the hiding preparing for this day. It was pretty evident from the variety of buries and scars that etched all over their bodies
They belonged not just to Kratar but to various kingdoms for geographical barriers meant little to the followers.
The stars had aligned tonight, that meant the division between the kingdoms had lifted and tonight those who share a common cause will join forces. Nothing was a more definite symbol of their unified purpose than the tattoo that was engraved on the back of their thumb. A black circle with three bars at 5oclock, 6oclock and 7 o'clock position. It was a hallmark of the oath they had taken to sacrifice their lives as a cave worshipper.

"Assemble followers...", said Lieutenants Lucifer, "We embark on our mission today. For countless days and night we had been breathing in the drenches of this furnace, dreaming about tonight. But finally the day has come, when we show the world what we desire! As cave worshippers we have pledged to kill or be killed till we reach our destiny.", shouted Lieutenant Lucifer and banged his staff on the ground. The whole cave burst into cacophony as screams of desire escaped the mouths of the followers.

"Return my king!
Return my king!"
"Return my King"
Chants flew all across the cave as hundreds of worshippers thumped their swords at the same pace. Their hearts burning with desire and their mind entangled with just one thought! As the intensity of chants increased sparks flew everywhere. Amidst the crowd stood two Markel guards "Victor" & "Raymond" who were terrified from their very soul.

Lieutenant Lucifer looked at his army and a sly smiled painted his face. "No more hiding!", said he to himself. "Today I get to complete my unfulfilled desire and Francis you wouldn't be there to protect your world like you did 18 years ago..." whispered he softly.


"How many?", asked King Raheen as they walked down the corridors of the manganous violet star Palace located in the Kingdom of Raveena.

"We have assembled about 10,000 mage warriors till now. They are a concoction of various people, some with grudges against the dukes, some who had lost a near relative in the great war or some who want to establish the monarchial rule back. In all cases they hate Albastor & are ready to fight them.."

"It still not enough...", said Raheen shaking his head. "We don't know the extent of Albastor's army and given what Karen showed us it is definitely huge! Keep gathering more men and women on our side."
King Raheen strode quickly down the empty yet majestic palace of Raveena. The time when the old castle used to be lit up with royal families, feats, treats, dances and celebrations all around the year had undoubtedly faded away.  Now what remained was the heavy footsteps of the King echoing all over the empty palace only to be interrupted by the shrill cries of birds.

"Is the General informed of?", asked Raheen curtly.

Frabal nodded his head, "Yes! I received his magic mail today. He would be arriving in his chariot by tomorrow...".

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