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Duke Albastor Hamid stared at his tired image in the mirror. The prominent lines of wrinkle etching uglily on his face, the conspicuous dark circles underneath his weary eyes and his black hair rapidly turning white, made him look much older than he was.

He sighed as he put on his shimmering blue coloured Bromdigon clock.

As soon as an the news about the murder had reached him, he had been compelled to declare an emergency Inter kingdom meeting.

He hadn't slept a wink last night, rather had plunged himself in arranging the various necessities for conducting the meeting. It was his duty as the leader of the Draken Society and head of the Bromdigon state.

The annual inter kingdom meetings that were held at Bromdigon went by the name Mérde. Mérde originated from the word merge , which meant to meet. Normally, he employed assistants to carry out all the arrangements for Mérdes , but since this was an unusual circumstance he wanted everything to be perfect and hence he had to oversee the arrangements himself

The news about the murder had upset him a lot . It was not that he cared about Calistroph. Nah! That lousy old guard deserved to die, thought Duke Albastor to himself.
The fact that disturbed him was that the murder had occurred at his son's university. And he did care a lot about him.

He walked away from the dresser were he was sitting, towards the small table located near his bedside. The table was covered by a beautiful silken blue cloth with heavy embroidery on it.
Kept on it was a magic mirror, an ink pot, a parchment, the seal of Bromdigon and lastly a sketch of his son. Duke Albastor picked it up fondly and looked at the sketch. It had been made just the day before he had left for the university.

Neither the duke himself , nor his wife Helen had travelled with their son to Draxal Makuto to bid him farewell. They had been so wrapped with the affairs of the state. He had just gone away, without even meeting them properly .

In the sketch Maurice was looking ahead with his hand in his pockets, laughing with his heart out probably happy because he was finally leaving his parents behind .
Albastor softly caressed the picture. He loved his son with all his heart but he knew Maurice hated him. And the duke blamed himself for that!

After all he was the one who had pushed Maurice away. Albastor had plunged himself in work since the day he was made the head of Draken society. He was the reason why Bromdigon was so powerful today, despite having no particular king!
But he had spent absolutely no time with his only son.

He never gave Maurice the love and care he deserved. Rather he pushed him to train and master his mage as well as war skills. Albastor wanted Maurice to be the greatest asset Bromdigon possessed. He wanted him to master skills that could defeat even a royal in a combat and so he had made a young child fight against mage warriors double his age.

Maurice did turn out to be an amazing mage warrior but in this process he lost the love of his son.

Duke Albastor kept the sketch of his son back on the table and wiped the tears that has rolled down on his cheeks.
"Hope so someday you will understand why i did this Maurice!", he said softly

Returning back to his stoic demeanour, the Duke walked out of his private bedroom. There was an inter kingdom meeting to be presided over and he cannot afford to be emotional now.
He entered the long hallway adjacent to his room.

The blue moon castle in itself was mammoth in size . It was the pride and honour of the kingdom of Bromdigon.
It was more than 15 stores tall and was a meshwork of rooms, hallways, and corridors. It was built years ago, by the king Bromdigon Brocade, the first king of Bromdigon. The visionary who had settled near the eternal sea and founded the kingdom of Bromdigon after the Battle of Sphinx.

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