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"I thought we would be practising in the veterinary room?", asked Norah as Ms Bretrix led her outside to the war grounds.

Norah gasped a little when she saw how beautiful the night was. The crescent shaped moon had adorned the highest point in the immense dark sky and was accompanied by her usual army of beautiful bright stars twinkling away. A few fluffy sheets of clouds had occupied the lower strata of the dark azure. Soft breeze hustled by that made Norah's hair go astray and a small smile formed on her face. She loved the feeling of the gusty winds in her hair, it felt like a warm hug.

Ms Bretrix looked at her and smiled back, "Healing is much more than you imagine Norah. Tonight I will tell you something about it which many of the great mages also don't know about ", said Ms Bretrix calmly .

Norah's head snapped towards her Professor as she looked at her inquisitively.

"You know the symbol of Draxal Makuto?" asked Ms Bretrix .

Norah nodded her head, "Yes! Its composed of three symbols, the swan , the book with flame and the dragon warrior in a circle."

Ms Bretrix nodded her head, "Do you know the significance of the circle?", she asked.

Norah looked at her confused. It didn't struck her that the circle also had an individual significance. She shook her head. "No!"

Ms Bretrix gave a soft sigh, "That very circle on the symbol of Draxal Makuto is called the "circle of life". It denotes balance between the different elements of magic. You see Norah to make a circle you need a minimum of three elements..."

"And so to create balance in this world we also need all three forms magic" pipped in Norah softly,
Her mouth slightly open as she comprehended the deep meaning of the symbol.

Ms Bretrix nodded her head, "True! Unfortunately most people only focus on mage & war skills , which no doubt are very important. But they just form one integral part of a triage. You need the other two i.e healing & knowledge to build a complete cicle.
One of the reasons behind the golden reign of Dragonacia was that mages were divided into these three classes and they worked together in a unit unlike the random division of kingdoms today", said Ms Bretrix.

Norah nodded her head taking in all the information. Ms Bretrix was not just a gifted healer but also a very knowledgeable person. Her tone had made Norah realise that she probably was also one of the lesser mages in the world who had been against the great war. Norah closed her palms as she started thinking about Ancient magic! and Triage!. Realisation dawned on her that her purple magic made her the only true healer in the whole world. Suddenly she felt like someone has plunged her into a chasm of responsibilities.

"Come. Let me show you a secrets of healers .", said the Professor and walked further into the war grounds.

Norah snapped out of her thoughts and followed her quickly , her foot echoing softly on the dew covered ground complimenting the sound of nocturnal insects buzzing around in the air.

"You see Norah as a healer, you invest a lot of magical energy when you nurse someone. It drains your magical pool and a time come when you just don't have enough magical energy left in yourself to heal anyone ", said Ms Bretrix.

Norah nodded her head. All of this made sense to her for she always felt very tired after healing someone. Healing the wounded Catine had made her so light headed that she almost fainted.

"Then we use a trick . We tap the nature's magical energy present in the air around us!", said Ms Bretrix as she pulled up her hands and clapped in the air.

"Natural energy?", asked Norah visibly confused.

Ms Bretrix nodded her head, "Yes ! Nature's energy. Look around yourself Norah. The earth! The wind! The flowers! The trees ! everything is filled with innumerable healing potential. You just need to know how to channelise them and that's what a healer does!", said Ms Bretrix.

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