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The common eatery of Draxal Makuto that particular morning was bustling with more chaos than it had ever experienced in the whole session .There were excited murmurs and shrill voice thrown in the air combined with giggling students who managed to talk faster than the speed of a Sparit travelling between spirited stones.
The eaten food trays laid dumped everywhere and tables had turned into chairs for a not a single mage had the decency to use one, much to Mrs Green's dismay. But the cacophony was not at all surprising rather much expected, for the first time since the session had started the eatery notice board had been used to post a notice.
On the high rise white board located near the ceiling of the eatery had these words magically appeared around 15 minutes ago,

TO BE HELD: SUNDAY 1st December
Time:  10pm
Place : The great hall
All mages are requested to attend...

A ball meant dancing and dancing implied partners and that's what had made the young mages of Draxal Makuto so ecstatic. There were people like Veronica who had already decided their ball dress and their extravagant jewelry and was going on and on about which shoe she would adorn and how unmatched she would look that night .
But not everyone thought so. Norah Raheen looked up at the notice with an unsure expression on her face. Attending a ball and dancing with someone was way beyond her zone of comfort for having being brought up a Marge all her life, she felt extremely awkward at social interactions. On top of that she would have to choose a partner and she was already dreading it.

"Hey Outcasts!", called out Veronica to them as Norah snapped out of her chain of thoughts. She looked up to see the familiar beautiful blond with a devious smile on her face walking towards them.

"What do you want Veronica?", spoke out Zoya irritated.

"Oh... I wasn't taking to you, pathetic person.", said Veronica stepping forward.

"Watch yourself Veronica.", called out Norah.

Veronica turned towards her with a furious look on her face, "Why should?", she retorted her" fingers flickering with blue magic.

"Don't you dare", warned Zoya stepping forward.

"Its okay Zoya. I got this!", said Norah stepping forward. Her recent mage training classes with Rafael and healing lessons with Ms Bretrix had made her more confident about herself. She knew she had learned enough to protect, heal and defend herself in a combat.

"Really you?" said Veronica smirkingly. "I am gonna crush you under my feet!", she spitted.

"Try me!" spoke out Norah softly as she inched even close to her. Her palms had small balls of blue magic dancing on it by now and her eyes were narrow & fixated on the person infront of her whom she hated.

Veronica was momentarily taken aback for she hadn't expected such a reaction from Norah but nevertheless she took her stance ready to attack.

Zoya Raheen stood there shock staring unbelievably at her best friend behaving in this unusual manner. But before she could step forward and prevent Norah from doing anything stupid, a gust of wind shot pass her as someone came dashing out of the crowd and tugged onto Norah's hand pulling her aside.

"What the hell do you think, you are doing?", demanded Rafael.

Norah was completely taken aback. She stood there for a few seconds shocked before replying "uh.. I..uh.. I am standing up for myself" she stammered.

"Really!" said Rafael sarcastically, "By being involved in an eatery fight and creating a scene out of no reason in front of everyone?"

Norah was stunned at his words.

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