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Young master , are you sure?", asked Karen softly.

"Yes Karen!", his master nodded. "If i have to get to the bottom of this , i have to start with the place where it all started: Draxal Makuto!"

"But what if someone recognises you!", asked Karen anxiously .

"Don't worry, i would hide my identity very well!", his master reassured

"What about your powers?" , Karen asked again.

The man standing infront of him smiled, "I know how to control my powers. Nobody would see the real extent of them."

Karen sighed, "I don't know master. I mean... That place is full of enemies. You would be beyond my reach, what if somebody harms you."

His master kept both of his hand on Karen shoulders and said softly , "Karen, you have taken care of me for 18 long years. You done more than enough.Don't worry so much.
Now, its my turn to fulfil my destiny!"

Karen bowed humbly , "As you wish, master. It was nothing more than my duty and nothing less than an honour to serve you!"


Norah was awestruck as she looked outside the carriage at the majestic cities of Bromdigon . It had been a long ride from Usher , and they have been travelling for almost two hours now.

Norah had spent most of the time peeping through the carriage window as she spotted innumerable beautiful mansions and monuments , pass by. The Bromdigon mages moved around dressed impeccably and in intricately decorated carriages driven by horses.
Some rode on the back of pegasus travelling through air whereas others preferred to stick to land.

The whole city was ornamented with gardens, fountains,  parks and lakes.

"So, you look very interested in the city, Norah,", said Uncle Frabal.
Norah tore her graze from the window and looked across where Frabal was sitting with Gomez in his lap.
Gomez had become quite comfortable around Frabal in the last few day. Norah was relieved to see those tow connecting because she still was very apprehensive about leaving her sister behind.

Norah nodded her head, "Its the most beautiful city , i have ever seen. Uncle.!"

Frabal smiled at her and said, "This is the Draken city , it is the capital of Bromdigon. Its named after the great society of dukes, that live here. They rule over the whole of Bromdigon. You see, Bromdigon isn't headed by a single monarch , but a board of the best mage warriors called the Drakan Society ! Monarchy ended in Bromdigon after the great war.

Norah nodded her head and said ,"Erik told me about them.!". She smiled at Erik who was sitting next to her. Erik smiled back

So uncle , Draxal Makuto is in which city?", she asked.

Frabal shook his head, "its not in any city in particular Norah. Draxal Makuto is located at the border of the kingdom of Raveena & Bromdigon!

Norah eyes widened in surprise, "seriously?.!".

"Yes", said Erik. "You see! Draxal Makuto was built hundreds of years ago , when none of these kingdom existed. So when kingdoms were divided , there was a huge argument regarding where Draxal Makuto would lie.
After many years of conflict, it was finally decided its best that the university lies at the borders of the kingdoms of Bromdigon and Raveena , the two most important kingdoms . So that both kingdoms are benefitted ."

"There was a time, when these kingdoms didn't exist?", asked Norah in surprise.

Erik nodded , "yes! For many centuries the whole of Arrevia was one kingdom, and ruled by a single King & Queen. It was only much latter that the Arrevia, split into 4 different kingdoms : KRATAR, MARKEL, BROMDIGON & RAVEENA, .!"

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