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The gate creaked open to reveal a luxuriously furnished room.
Having being brought up in a castle himself, Maurice recognised rich taste when he saw one and the headmaster's office was definitely drapped in exquisite style.

Maurice entered the room and was immediately met with the venomous gaze coming from the slit like eyes of the headmaster. The headmaster dressed up in his usual coat shirt, black trousers and a blazer decorated with stones didn't appeared to be in a good mood. His long violet coat trailed behind him.

"Maurice!", he hissed.

Maurice felt a shiver run down his spine. Encountering the headmaster in a class was one thing but in his office was something else. Nevertheless he maintained his composure "HEADMASTER!", said he

Gregor walked upto Maurice, until he was just a few inches away from him. He could sense power radiating out of his body, but that was still less scary than the murderous looks he was shooting at his direction.
"You are managing to piss me off every day. I fail to understand why a man with your intelligence would do such a foolish thing?", asked the headmaster in a chilly tone.

Maurice opened his mouth and spoke definitely , "I am looking for truth and nothing more!".

Gregor took in a breath. He looked on the verge of bursting out, "Speak!" he spat out viciously.

Maurice paused a little to rearrange his words. After having done that he spoke, "The Arrevian Dynasty Agreement dictates that the headmaster of Draxal Makuto has full autonomy over all the matters of the university.
Except in cases of heinous crimes like murder, he cannot interfere if either the accuse or the victim belongs to the headmaster's former kingdom."

Maurice paused a little, observing the headmaster's reaction. When he saw no change in his facial expressions, he continued , "Since Calistroph belonged to Kratar i.e your former kingdom. You had no right to command that search for evidences in the common garden vis a vis the evidence of the royal mage traces looses its value. So release Zoya from your custody.", finished off Maurice, confidently with determination exuding out of his voice. After-all he was the son of the leader of the Draken Society and he knew very well the power of his position.

Headmaster stared at him silently. His face still had the mundane expression and his eyes continued to bore hols in Maurice.

After some time, he opened his mouth, "You are accusing me of being bias?" his voice had dropped down to a a dangerously low level.

"I am simply stating the fact. You are bounded by the rules penned down in the Arrevian Dynasty Agreement as we all are!", said Maurice. "As the son of a duke of Bromdigon and a future leader of Draken Society , I can challenge you if you fail to follow the agreement ."

Gregor narrowed his eyes at his words, which Maurice thought was physically implausible since he already had slit like eyes akin to a viper. He noticed the change of expression in his mundane face, and the red colour that was slowly overtaking it. He had finally succeeded in pissing of the headmaster in the maximum possible way.
Wow", thought Maurice to himself, "a couple of weeks in and I have already done what no one dared to do. Its a first even for me!"
"This all for truth!", he reminded himself

The headmaster suddenly opened his mouth , " Mamaain!", he yelled.

The thumping of heavy footsteps were heard as the giant Kratar guard emerged in the headmaster's office.

"Yes sir?'.

"Go take Maurice to the prisons and release Princess Zoya Raheen."said the headmaster reluctantly in a spiteful tone.

Mamaain bowed his head respectfully , "Yes Master!" he gruffed, apparently not pleased with the order. He hated letting the prisoners go off so easily .

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