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Norah walked into the room with her mouth dropped open. She was shell shocked . She had got a royalty for a roommate! , "I am.. I am.. sorry. For not recognising you. Do i? Do i need to bow down or something ?".

Zoya shook her head vigorously, "Please do not do any such a thing . Just call me Zoya, okay?"

Norah smiled at her , "sure.!", she said. She was already starting to like her new roommate

"Why don't you settle down, and then we will go and have lunch at the eatery ?", said Zoya slumping down on the bed.

Norah nodded her head, "that would be great.!", she said as she walked towards the spare bed in the room. The room was spacious for two people and well ventilated.
There were two single beds in the room paired with two closets and two study table.

Zoya had already taken the one near the door, so Norah got the adjacent one.
Their was a small door on the front wall which opened up to reveal a washroom with a bath.

Another door located at the back of the room opened up to a small balcony. Norah stepped into the balcony for a peep.
She glanced down and saw the huge boundary walls of the university. It would be impossible for someone to escape or enter the university unnoticed, she thought. Then she gazed ahead and saw miles of barren terrains covered with wilderness.

"It looks so deserted right?", said a voice from beside. Norah got startled for a second but then she glanced up and saw it was Zoya.

"Is this Raveena?", asked Norah pointing to the wilderness ahead.

"Actually, the kingdom of Raveena is on the left.", said Zoya pointing towards her left

"But, isn't Draxal Makuto, suppose to be located at the borders of the two kingdoms?", asked Norah confused.

Zoya nodded, "You are correct. Draxal Makuto is located at the border of the two kingdoms:. Bromdigon & Raveena. Bromdigon is where you came from & Raveena is what lies infront of you.
But you see Draxal Makuto, isn't situated at the middle of the border, rather on the far right of it.
So that's why i said , the main city of Raveena is on your left. What lies infront of you are just barren unpopulated lands",  said Zoya.

Norah listened in silence, "wow the location of Draxal Makuto is really strategic.", she said.

Zoya nodded , "It is! Apart from what i told you just now, this university is also situated on the eastern border of the land of Arrevia."

Norah looked at her impressed , "Your knowledge is commendable."
Zoya smiled , "when you spend a lot of alone time in a big palace. You tend to read a lot."

Norah raised he eyebrows , "Alone time?", she said, "What about your friends?"

Zoya sighed softly, "I do not have any friend in particular."

Norah eyes widened in surprise. She had a hard time believing a princess did not have any friends.

Zoya shook her head as she saw Norah's expression , "I don't wanna talk about it.  Why don't we go to the eatery to have lunch and you can come back later & unpack. Otherwise we are gonna be late for the evening class today."

Norah nodded, "That would be fine.". To be honest, she did not have much of a luggage to unpack.

"Come.!", said Zoya and together they made their way out of the room.

Zoya turned around and closed the door then she placed a hand on the latch and said , "Place your hand over this.".

Norah looked at her confused. "What?", she asked.

Kingdoms of Arrevia : The Beginning (Book1)Where stories live. Discover now