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Norah made her way towards the common garden quickly . She had already checked the time thrice it was 8:30 and she was late for her very first class with Rafael. Apparently she had been enjoying the healing lessons so much that it had made her forget all about Rafael.

Rafael! The name had started making her feel a little edgy lately. After her recent encounter with him at the garden, she knew Zoya was correct and her heart did flutter every time she was around him. It scared her for she had never felt   like this before and she hated being vulnerable especially infront of a unknown mage who practiced black magic.

Lost in these thoughts, Norah reached the common garden. Everytime she stepped into it, the memories of that fatal night flashed infront of her eyes. But she shook her head and dismissed those thoughts from her mind for now was not the time to get lost. She lit a small lamp in her hands to dispel the darkness of the night and ventured further inside the garden, taking one step at a time as she looked around her for Rafael.
Everything around her was deadly quiet. She heard no sound of footsteps or any other voice suggesting the presence of another being in there. "Did he left?.", she asked herself doubtfully.

"You are late!", suddenly a voice called from the dark making Norah jump in the air as Rafael emerged from behind the tree.

He was dressed casually in a sleeveless tee , black pants and a brown belt wrapped around her waist that held his long sword. Norah's heart flustered momentarily as she saw him.

"I .. I was training with Professor Bretrix!", she stammered.

Rafael raised her eyebrows and gave her a long face, "That's your problem not mine.", he spoke out arrogantly.

Norah's felt a pang of pain in her chest as she sensed the harshness in his voice. But she took in a deep breath and gathered herself together. It wasn't the time to be weak for she wanted to train.

"It won't happen again.", she replied back , this time with more confidence.

Rafael gave her another nonchalant look before turning back towards the tree where he had been waiting for her. He picked up a sword that he had kept standing adjacent to the tree and walked towards Norah.

"Here! I got this for you.", he said handling her the sword.

Norah looked at the weapon in his hand . It was a humble sword with a pale grey coloured blade that had a single edge rather than the usual double. A small piece of worn out leather formed an unattractive hilt at the end and Norah extended her hand to grasp it. As she wrapped her finger around the hilt and picked up the sword, she realized it was much heavier than she had expected.

"You are doing it wrong.", interjected Rafael pointing towards Norah's hand whilst she was busy observing it.

Norah looked at her sword unsure and then readjusted her fingers and thumb on the hilt as she recalled Professor Alfred's classes.

"Still Incorrect!", said he.

Norah looked up and saw Rafael shaking his head while giving her the same acerbic look.

Norah narrowed her eyes as frustration began to fill within her. She attempted one more time by trying to hold the sword in a different position only to  Rafael's exasperated face again.

"I think I have followed  Alfred's instructions correctly.", she retorted as her repeated failed attempts started to get the better of her.

Rafael tilted her head slightly, "Oh really?", said he in a, tone before plunging his sword forward and knocking Norah's weapon out of her hand that unfortunately went flying in the air like a hummingbird and landed on the ground some distance ahead. The blow came out of nowhere and caught Norah completely off guard so she simply stood there for a few seconds stunned.

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