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"Norah ....! Norah...! Norah... are you alright?", said a soft voice from distant as Norah clenched her eyes trying to somehow locate the owner of the voice. All she could see was darkness in front of her eyes. She couldn't recognize her bizarre surroundings, it felt so strange almost as if she was in another dimension. Her mind and body were in a constant fight with each other. Her body was continuously trying to pull herself away but her mind was stuck in the place. Fuzzy images flashed past her eyes in that instant.
She saw a young mage running towards her. Norah noticed the girl was panting and out of breath. "Don't do this! Don't do this!", chanted the anxious mage. As it came closer Norah saw she was wearing tattered old clothes, her small face came into view and Norah's jaw dropped in shock. The young woman was none other than her. She was wearing her old uniform from the eatery that she ran in Markel land.

"What have you done...", said the second Norah, terror evident on her face as her breath became heavy and ragged.

Before Norah could reply, the scene shifted and this time she found herself on a dense snow covered land. She looked around and recognized the place immediately, she was on top of Magma mountains for adjacent to her was the very cave she had hid Gomez in.

She heard a voice from behind and saw a mage running towards her. when she looked carefully she realized it was none other than her dad.

"Father!", cried Norah overjoyed as she ran towards him. Her bare feet getting buried in the foot tall snow. But his father didn't pay heed to her, instead he ran straight past her and that's when Norah saw that an unconscious mage lay scrawled on the ground behind her. Her father ran towards the mage and kneeled down. She could see tears running down her father's eyes. Norah inched closer and was stunned to see the knocked out mage was no one other than Veronica! She was cold and blue and her eyes were open staring up at the heaven. As Norah stared at her she realized she wasn't breathing.

"Father..." cried Norah in terror.

Mr Rubin looked up at her "What have you done?" he said softly as tears trickled down his eyes. He moved his hands and closed Veronica's eyelids.

Fear and anxiety flowed in Norah as she saw her father's disappointing face staring at her. "No! Father! It was a mistake! No! No!", cried out Norah as tears started flowing down her cheeks uncontrollably. Her whole body started shivering and she fell down on her knees in the frigid cold.

"You are not my daughter anymore...", declared Mr Rubin.

"No father! Don't say this please...", begged Norah as she tried to reach her father. But an unseen barrier lay between them and she felt her feet getting stuck in the snow.

Zoya Raheen stood there silently as she saw her best friend lying on the infirmary bed fidgeting desperately in her sleep. She was tossing and turning wildly as her eyes clenched and her hands curled in the fist. For any stranger it appeared as if the girl was having seizures

"Is she okay?", she asked concerned to Professor Bretrix who stood by Norah's side.

"She is fine...", said Ms Bretrix, "She is just having a nightmare.", said she softly and leaned down beside her.

"Norah... Norah... Norah wake up!", Norah heard someone calling her as she lay on the deadly Magma mountains buried in snow. The voice was coming from somewhere distant and was pulling her outside the chasm. She looked upto see the image of her father looking at her with repulsion become more blurry and distant. She tried to call him again but he didn't listen instead the anonymous voice became louder constantly pulling her away. Norah Rubin gasped as all of a sudden she was snapped out of her slumber and her eyes shot open.
She shivered and panted for breath as the bright light of the room hit her and she realized that it had been a nightmare. It all looked so real to her that she was deadly shaken from the after effect. It had been a wild dream, the image of her father looking at her with disappointment & hurt flashed in front of her eyes still crystal clear.

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