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Norah, Zoya and Maurice looked down from the window located at the third floor of the blazen Edifice. The whole war grounds was filled with innumerable black spots for professor and students dressed in black alike had assembled in the grounds for the funeral of Calistroph. The most conspicuous part was the small clearing present in the middle of the ground where a coffin lay on a high risen podium.

"Shouldn't we be down there?", asked Zoya slightly unsure .

"Not until we find out the truth', said Maurice.

"We should act fast for he is gonna to be cremated soon." pipped in Norah

"Can you again describe the creature for me, Norah ?".

Norah turned towards her and nodded her head, "Well he was thin but tall. Dressed in torn clothes. He had a long noose with a mole on the end of the noose. He had disturbingly wrinkled face..."

"He will not be cremated!" said Zoya, cutting her off in the mid sentence .

"WHAT???", cried out Norah.

"Well, from your description it seems that the victim isn't an ordinary mage. Rather it sounds like a creature of some sort . They would never cremate a half melted creature!', explained Zoya.

Norah's eyes widened in surprise as she took in all this new information. Now when she thought about it she had felt before that the creature wasn't a normal mage.

"Then what will they do with it?", she asked softly.

"Burn it!", spoke out Maurice staring at the black coloured coffin located below him. "I can bet you anything that coffin is empty.", said he.

Norah's face turned from surprise to shock. She quickly looked down from the window. It all appeared so real that she had a hard time believing a fake funeral was going on.

"They wouldn't dare to burn the creature in the presence of such a crowd. They will wait till the night.", said Zoya.

"That means the body of the creature is still alive somewhere." concluded Norah.

Zoya nodded her head.

"And we are gonna find it!", said Maurice.

Rafael looked up from the ground and he observed three solemn figures staring down from the window of the third floor.  In normal circumstances they would have gone unnoticed but Rafael had an eagle vision and a part of him was already expecting them.
Dressed in all black, he was sorrunded by a herd of chaotic students who were all prepared to attend a fake funeral.

Rafael sighed. He had already guessed that Norah must have spilled the beans to them and that dumbhead son of a duke will then try to investigate the truth.
Ah! Truth! People so often underestimate how dangerous truth can be. As his mentor Karen used to say one should search for the truth only if one was ready to handle it.

Anyways Rafael knew what they were gonna do and it was something very foolish.

He took in a deep breath as he sneaked out of the crowd and made his way towards the Blazon building.

"Where in the name of Arrevia, are we going?", asked Norah as she tried to follow both Maurice & Zoya who were running ahead of her.

"To the headmaster's office!" exclaimed Zoya. "If there's a body in this building. That's where it would be!", said she and ran up the stairs
"You should not come with us.", warned Maurice, sprinting ahead of them with his huge giant steps.

"Have you to forgotten that I am the the only one who can recognise the creature?" Norah answered back. She was panting hard and loosing her breath . She ran behind them as fast as she could trying to maintain there pace but both of them had the agility of a cat.

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