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Zoya thrusted out her hands burning with violet mage power as she took her stance to knock out the person unconscious. But stopped herself seconds before casting the spell for she had heard his voice

"Hey I got a bow and an arrow.", said Maurice as he emerged from above the staircase.

Zoya heaved a sigh of relief as she dropped her hands by her side .

"What took you so long?", she asked .

Maurice made a face. "I had to sneak in a lot.", said he sulking . "Every room was closed and a few guards were still on patrol..."

"WE FORGOT ABOUT THE KRATAR GUARD!", exclaimed Norah all of a sudden.

Maurice and Zoya turned their heads sharply. Maurice looked at her in confusion for a few seconds unable to grasp what she had said but then his eyes widened in realisation.

"Damn! We only have 8 minutes left. Hurry up!", said he checking the time in his blue magical clock.

Zoya nodded her head, "Okay. Here's what we are gonna do. The whole place is magically infused as we all know. The only way to break the magic is to place the guard's sword at the brass door located in the end of this hallway. Now, we obviously don't have the sword but what we do have is a bow and an arrow, and I am going take my chance with it"

Maurice and Norah nodded their heads in agreement.  Norah was amazed to see the intricate plan , her friend had managed to design in such a short time.

"I will shoot!", declared Maurice.

Zoya looked at him, "What? It was my idea.", she rebelled.

"Oh! Come-on! You know my aim is better than yours!"

Zoya made a sulking face at him. But she could not refuse for she had seen him shoot before and so she reluctantly nodded her head, "Shoot straight at the groove on the door present at the end of this corridor.", she instructed .

Maurice nodded his head and then took the bow & the arrow from her hand . He carefully inserted the arrow in the bow and then pulled the bow backward ever so softly with extreme precision and technique .
Norah observed him carefully as Maurice closed his eyes momentarily to concentrate . As a child he had undergone several types of trainings and one of them was archery. His master used to tell him that concentration was the only tool an archer needed!

He opened his eyes once again and narrowed them precisely on his target . He took in a deep breathe and then blurred away everything around him. He finally released the arrow in the air .

The foot long arrow swooped in the air, faster than the dive of an eagle catching its prey . Initially a high pitched screeching sound was heard when the arrow made its way through the air and Norah got scared that the whole place was just gonna blow up in their face.
The sound increased its frequency and just when it became unbearable the arrow hit its mark, right in the middle of the groove on the door. A blinding light followed which instantly made all three of them cover their eyes.

After a couple of seconds when they finally opened them the whole corridor had magically converted in a circular hall with doors on all the sides. The door with a groove had just disappeared and the arrow lay lifeless on the ground.

"That's a shot", called out Maurice whistling softly.

Zoya rolled his eyes at him but the look of admiration was evident on her face.

"Come, we have no time to loose" pipped in Norah and they nodded their head. Together all three of them made there way towards the circular hall.

"Okay, so there are a lot of doors.", said Maurice looking around. "Let's split up!".

Kingdoms of Arrevia : The Beginning (Book1)Where stories live. Discover now