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So not only the leaves of the Apex trees have innumerable healing properties, but also its sap. For centuries, healers have believed that drinking even a few drops of that sap increases a mage's strength and vitality" went on Professor Bretrix as she strode around the packed classroom.

The healing classes were usually held in the common garden, where the professors manually demonstrated how to trap the powers of various plants and use it for healing. However today's class was a theoretical one, held in the hall located at the first floor of Helen Edifice. This was primarily due to the fact that Ms Bretrix was in no mood to teach.
The morning's events had taken a huge toil on her and her head was throbbing with pain. The murder, the traces of royal mage powers and the arrest of Princess Zoya Raheen!

Ms Bretrix sighed as she looked around her classroom full of students. Not one of them was paying any attention to her and she didn't blame them.
Healing was not innately a boring subject and usually she succeeded in conquering her student's attention. But today she was too tired to even attempt anything.

She noticed out of all students, one particular mage had not even looked up once. He had literally spent the entire last hour staring outside the window, obviously pondering over something that had captured his attention.

"MAURICE!"  said Ms Bretrix sharply.

Maurice jerked out of his thoughts , "Oh! Huh! Yes .. maam?.", he stammered, standing up

"Could you please tell me the healing properties of the different parts of Apex trees?", asked Ms Bretrix.

Maurice stared at her and racked his brain.  Her words did not make much sense to him, for all that he could think about right now was Zoya! The murder, the discovery of royal mage traces, her arrest...

"Maurice!"  asked Ms Bretrix again, "I asked you a question?".

"Uh.. uh.. sorry maam. I .. I don't know the answer !", he blurted out.

The professor gave him a disappointed look , "Didn't expect this from you!", she muttered.

Maurice pressed his lips together , silently accepting his mistake, "Sorry maam!", he said softly

Ms Bretrix sighed "Sit down!"

Maurice nodded his head gratefully and sat down.

Professor Bretrix tore her glance away from him and spoke, "Okay, now who wants to answer this question?", she asked.

A couple of hands shot up in the air .

"Put down your hand Christoph. For once let someone else answer the question!".

A disappointed Christoph reluctantly put down his hand but not before making a sulky face .

Professor Bretrix pointed towards Betty, "You! Tell me the first use!"

Betty stood up nervously , "Uhh.. its sap helps in increasing a mage's strength and vitality.!", she stammered unsure.

The professor nodded her head, "Good sit down."

Betty sat down looking cheerful .

"That's one. I need three more!", announced Ms Bretrix.

"You!", she pointed at Hudson.

Hudson got up promptly, "It's leaves help in healing bruises and cuts of skin.!".

Professor Bretrix nodded again, "Correct! Sit down.!"
"Ruth tell me the next one!", she said turning towards Ruth

Ruth stood up, "Its root's are cooked and eaten by many mages. They help to lower down high fever and also provides strength."

Bretrix nodded, "Good. Now the last one! I haven't discussed this yet in class , so whoever can answer this will receive a small gift by me.", said her.

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