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"So are you hungry?", asked Zoya to Norah as they made there way towards the dormitories.

The class had continued longer than expected hence the sun had retired for the day, making the sky go dark. The huge war grounds looked deserted for it was occupied only by a couple of students akin Norah walking back to their dormitories .

The darkness of the night had bestowed an eerie feel to the whole university of Draxal Makuto.
In sharp contrast to the loud cacophony of activities during the day time, Draxal Makuto grew unnaturally silent at night
Admist the silence , subtle voices like the chirping of the crickets, buzzing of tiny flies, hooting of an owl and other sounds produced by nocturnal animals intensified which contributed to make matters even more uncomfortable.
But the worst of them all was the fact that all around them, on the boundary walls were small lamps lit that casted a disturbingly yellow glow on the campus.

"NORAH? Are you alright?", asked a worried Zoya for her roommate had been lost in deep thought the whole time .

Norah looked up and caught the concerned look on Zoya's face, "Yes. yes. I am alright!", said she.

"And no! I am not hungry. I had a heavy lunch before.",.

Zoya nodded her head in agreement , "Me too. Lets go straight to our dormitories and rest. If we feel hungry, we can always grab something to eat from the eatery downstairs ."

Norah nodded her head absentmindedly as Zoya's voice simply bounced off her ears. Truth to be told, the meagre lunch she had today had not affected her appetite . But the realisation of the fact that she possessed ancient mage magic had .

She was having a hard time digesting the truth and so far she hadn't emerged victorious. She cursed her fate and pondered about how unfair her life was! First she thought she was an abomination for she was gifted with magic and now when she had finally began to adjust to the magical world, behold! she discovers her magic wasn't ordinary.

Norah didn't even know what ancient magic was or how it worked. She did not had the slightest clue and yet she was the only person in the whole of Arrevia who was born with it.

Huh! Life was really twisted and repercussions? What about them?

She couldn't even fathom the magnitude of the repercussions that would be ignited.

She shivered, when she remembered those heartless Kratar warriors that had checked her on the university gates.
What punishment would Headmaster Gregor lay out for her, if he finds out that she was nothing but a mere imposter?
She sighed. If only she could meet Uncle Frabal. He would now exactly what to do. She could send him a magic mail. But Norah was apprehensive of the fact that these mails were checked by the university first and that she couldn't risk that.
Lost in these thoughts, she didn't even realise when she reached the end of the war grounds. She was about to enter the dormitory gates when a voice called from behind .


Norah turned around and saw, Maurice leaning against a wooden bench in the common garden with an arm around Veronica. He had a mischievous smile painted on his face and Veronica was grinning so hard it looked her teeth would fall out any moment.
As usual the other dukes of Bromdigon sorrunded them which Norah collectively liked calling the "Blue Bullies"

"WHAT?", asked an irritated Zoya .

"Oh! Come on. Can't I speak to you . Your royal highness?", mocked Maurice as he removed his arm from Veronica and tugged it in his pocket. He started walking towards them with a grin on his face that clearly meant he had something planned on his mind. The blue bullies as usual followed him, which Norah found very pathetic. But it gave her satisfaction to see that the smirk had wiped out of Veronica's face . Apparently his boyfriend was paying more attention to Zoya than her.

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