Andrius growled and Neji shook his head. "Mursha, stop causing trouble. Explain to him."

Mursha immediately nodded. "Yes, my liege."

A bit unpleasant, Mursha turned to the wolf and opened her mouth to explain the plan to him.


Neji flew away from the wolf cave after that. Using his Minimap, he quickly flew by air and went to the three monster villages he owned. They were being protected by rune magic circling around the area, so there weren't any monsters inside the empty residential area.

Neji first destroyed the Cyclops village Save Stone, then he destroyed the Ogre village one. At last, he dived deep inside the Lake where the Fishmen used to live to destroy the last remaining Save Stone.

It all took less than 10 minutes, and then swiftly by the air, he returned back to the wolf cave.

When he reached there, Andrius bowed.

"Si...Sire, are you sure about this?" He asked. "You might be a High Human, but I doubt you're as strong as the ones from myth, at least not yet. Or else I could have sensed some kind of profound depth around you. I don't think the White Tiger is an enemy you can defeat alone yet-"

"Alone?" Neji scoffed. "Who said I will be fighting alone? You're all my underlings, we will all attack it together."

"..." Andrius stared at him for a moment before humming. "I understand. Forgive my ignorance. It's just that, in the myths, High Humans were people who never liked to team up. They even hated teaming up with each other. But then again, you're not from their generation anyway."

Andrius nodded and showed his teeth. "Well then, this isn't a bad idea at all. It's been a few decades since the White Tiger was hunted last time. It was the Empress of the Great Empire who hunted it out of fancy. I was but a small cub back then, but I managed to observe a bit of that battle. So I think I can surely help."

Neji smiled. "Good, that's good. I thought you might step back because of fear of a stronger predator or whatever. But guess you do have a backbone, after all."

The wolf looked insulted at that, but it held back from growling and simply nodded.

"That was a joke, don't be so serious about it," Neji spoke, patting him on the neck and then turning to his people. "Anyway, I think it's time for us to move in. It'd be hard to move in this large pack, but luckily the beast's domain is closer from here."

Neji jumped on top of Andrius, looking down from there... and yelled, "Everyone, move!"


It took them an hour to reach the end of the Southern jungle. What they came across was an enormous grey colosseum. The gate of the fortress was huge, enough for a titan to walk inside with ease.

Neji and the group waited outside for a while, observing the situation and looking out for any anomalies.

Meanwhile, Mursha explained that the gate was supposed to be locked and sealed by indestructible magic spells, but because they had destroyed the Save Stones, the wide gate was now accessible to them.

"Anyhow, keep moving."

After waiting for a few minutes, Neji ordered his people to move forward. He, Kimi and Kurai rode Andrius, who was bigger than Mursha in height. 9 orcs rode smaller wolves, and the other ogres walked on their feet.

Slowly walking inside, at one point Neji reached the end of the road however he was surprised to see no seats present in the so-called Colosseum.

It was just a white and empty circular field with a small blue ball in the middle, placed on top of a platform. Beside the ball, however, a huge white cat sat majestically.

The Cursed Gamer, Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن