✾ᴘᴀᴄᴋᴀɢᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏssɪᴘ✾

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"I'll write to her later, thank you James" I replied, placing the box down on the table, the others staring at it.

"I swear she loves you more than me" He mumbled, before smiling at me, "I think she always wanted a girl"

"Yeah and she got stuck with a fucking idiot instead" My brother retorted, still sore from when he said I was his favourite twin.

"Now, now Moony that's one knut in the swearwo-" Sirius was cut off from his sentence when James slapped a hand over his mouth, nodding his head to the red headed girl at the table. Prat. Remus and I made eye contact with each other, our hearts racing rapidly in our chests.

"Lily flower, how are you this morning?" The bespectacled boy changed the subject, acknowledging the girl finally. She lifted her head, about to open her mouth when I moved one of my legs off Remus' lap to kick her.

"I'm fine, Potter. Thank you for asking" She grumbled, kicking me back under the table making me grunt, "It's afternoon though"

"Speaking of afternoons, how about Hogsmede just you and I?" He asked politely, my eyes closing waiting for the rejection I knew he was about to get.

"I already have a date" She replied, packing up her things and exiting the library, telling me she would see me later. James shifted his focus on to me, as I opened my eyes again and smiled at him sadly.

"Amos Diggory, she's been pining after him" I told him quietly, watching his shoulders slump down, "She didn't call you an arrogant toe rag or insult you though" I tried, gesturing to the other boys to add something in.

"She said thank you?" Peter piped up, although it sounded more like a question than a statement.

I rolled my eyes, taking my feet of my brother's lap and bringing them up to my chest, "It's progress, James. She isn't going to say yes over night, it might take a while to see you changing"

"She only said that because you kicked her under the table. I've loved her for five years how much longer is it going to take for her to give me a chance?" He sighed, resting his chin on his hand.

"She'll see how amazing you are soon, I promise"

"Soon enough she won't be able to take her eyes off you, the second most attractive person at Hogwarts" Sirius chimed in, the corners of his lips tugging up at the comment.

"I'll win her over with my fantastic chaser skills" He declared, beaming at the four of us.

"That's a good idea" Remus admitted, whilst I reached into my bag pulling out a piece of parchment and my quill to write a letter to Mia as they all conversed about something.


Dear My favourite Mia,

Thank you so much for my gift box, you are most kind. I think i'll have to hide the candies though, Peter already seems to be eyeing them up. I can't wait to read the books, it seems like a good one. I'll get started on it soon. Everything is going good here at Hogwarts mostly, although I do miss you with our special days out and Monty of course.

You should have seen our first prank of the year, we transfigured people to have small animal features through some pumpkin juice. Minnie's was hilarious, when she was telling us off her little pig ears were wiggling and her pink curly tail. We ended up with 5 points to Gryffindor each- make sure you tell Monty he should be proud.

I'll tell Rem to keep us all in check- don't worry.

Hopefully see you soon

Lots of love,
𝑒𝓁𝑜𝒹𝓎 𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓊𝓅𝒾𝓃

Satisfied, I sealed the envelope, writing the Potter's address on the front and gathering up my things.

"Uh, Lunes where are you going?" James questioned, the four boys pausing their conversation to stare at me puzzled.

"To send this letter to your lovely mother" I replied, waving the letter in front of his face, "anyone want to join me?"

"I will, I have something to send to my mum" Peter decided, standing up from his chair, the two of us leaving the other three as we made our way to the owlery.


"Have you any gossip to tell me, Wormy?" I inquired, walking down the hallway with the blonde haired boy. Peter managed to find out all the gossip, he would always come running to tell me something. I have no idea how he finds out, he probably sneaks around as his animagus to listen to people's conversations.

"Well, do you know Eleanor Selywn?" He began, glancing around to check no one was listening before he continued after I nodded, "She was seen coming out of broom cupboard all flustered and messed up right before Gilderoy Lockhart"

"No way" I marvelled, my jaw dropping to the floor, "I thought they hated each other"

"Apparently it was all an act, they've been shagging since the summer" He revealed as we approached the owlery, making me gasp.

"Oh my fucking Merlin. Gilderoy Lockhart, I wouldn't let him anywhere near me, he creeps me out a bit"

"I know what you mean" He hummed, giving a treat to his owl before sending his letter off and joining me by Niveis, Remus and I's owl.

"Hey, Niveis, fancy a trip to see Mia at the Potters?" I voiced to my hooting snowy owl, attaching the letter to him. We got him as a birthday gift in third year so we didn't have to use the school owls anymore and we could have our own. Monty and Mia pitched in with mum and dad to get him for us, it was one of the best birthdays.

"Remind me again why you called your owl Niveis" Peter quizzed, both of us watching as he flew away.

"It means snowy in Latin"

"Oh yeah, that was it" He remembered, "Hey can I-"

"You can have one of my chocolate frogs" I agreed, him grinning at me in return.

"Thanks Mel, you're the best"

"Just tell the others i'm your favourite" I chuckled, handing him one of the chocolate frogs out of my new package.


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☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin