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This is not a good read for minors. Point blank.
I don't feel comfortable with minors reading and I don't want to know you're here if you are.
**The adult content is based off of real experiences that can be sensitive to all survivors of Violence**
18+ ONLY
This is a long fic. It is going to be about 100 Chapters long so buckle up.
Early Access is available at:

Early Access is $1 with Discord benefits and SFW Art.
I make my living off of Patreon and Art commissions so please think about supporting me if you life my fic. Even $1 brings me a step closer to achieving my goals and allows me to keep creating, which is something I love.
About the Author

My name is Muze, but you can also call me Jess. I work as a full time Artist and Writer for my Patrons.
I am a survivor of Domestic Violence and I use my fics not only as an outlet but also to help raise awareness about sensitive topics.

This fic helped me cope with my own Domestic Violence situation that I was able to escape from last year, Shoto is based off of my Ex and Katsuki represents my future.
Nova is a complex character that suffers from PTSD and therefore makes decisions that might not make sense to those who haven't lived through events like this. Be easy on her. While mental illness is never an excuse to act poorly she is coming out of her PTSD Mindset and is working through her Trauma which takes time.
I have an array of fics that are going to be uploaded and every fic has a different OC, each being unique to another. My Caucasian OCs are less descrip but the POC OC (whom I borrow with permission from my Patrons) won't be. If this is your first fic of mine to read and you are worried about POC inclusion please know this is just one of many with many OCs being different races with different types of hair and personalities.
The reason Nova might come off as a white character with her hair texture and such is because she is very close to a self insert. She represents the angry/untrusting version of myself. I got a lot of comments about her hair texture in the beta version and wanted to clear this up right off the bat.

Other OCs I have/Am using:

Nikumo: Half Japanese/ Half Nigerian with Dread and Microbraids

Mitsuki: Half Japanese/Half Trini with pretty Periwinkle/Blue hair

Akira(Self insert): Lithuanian-American with Light Blond hair.

Sora: Non-Descript American with Slim features.

Naraka: Aztec/Latina with long Red hair.

More to be added.

You might've already found me before but my account had been taken down when my ex (who is now in Jail) hacked into all of my accounts.

Here I am and I'm not going anywhere.

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But most importantly..

Keep reading and commenting because I love love hearing from my readers.

Love, Jess

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora