Chapter 54: "I won't ever leave your side.."

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"W-w-w-w-what are you talking about? That sounded lame." I said.

"But you're the one who said that." she answered. "I did not." i replied. "But I can read your mind." she said. Dammit, why is she always making me feel like this?!

"Maybe that's because I'm your beloved sister." she giggled. 

"∑(〫⌓ 〫lll)⦚" I stared at her.

"Stop with that sister-brother thing." I looked away biting my lip.

"Hah! Aww, are you shy? Uh no, you're embarrassed,aren't you?" she asked.

"No, I'm not. What the hell. Stop bugging me, you idiot." I said. I called her an idiot.. 

"You're more of an idiot than me, stupid." she stuck her tongue out at me.

"S-stupid?! No one has ever called this cool Ari stupid!" I just argued back. Why oh why~

"Calling yourself cool. Pffft" she snickered with her hands on her lips.

"Why old hag!" I blurted out. sht

"O-o-old hag.." she repeated then her face suddenly darkens and grabbed a pillow near the bed and threw it at me as hard as she can.

"Yah! What was that for?!" I got up from falling off the bed while rubbing my butt.

"Calling your sister an old hag isn't very nice, is it?" she looked at me like she's gonna crush me anytime. What did I got myself into?

"I told you to stop calling yourself my sister, old hag!" I prepared for a run but the pillow followed me and knocked me over. This is just a pillow isn't it? I grabbed the pillow and threw it back to her as hard as I could and it knocked her over.

"Bwahahaha!! Take that old hag!" I laughed on the floor.

-End of his P.O.V-

Then...the war between the long lost siblings began with the name-calling as the fire starter.... Meanwhile..

"....oh, don't you think it's a little noisy over on that direction, hyung?" Kai asked his hyung.

"Ah, really? Now that you mention it, it is a little noisy." Suho confirmed.

"Maybe they're just having a good time as siblings?" Lay added. "Don't you think so too, Baekhyun ah?"

"How would I know." Baekhyun looked away stuffing some food in his mouth while pouting.

"Neh hyung, don't you think Baekhyun is a little jealous?" Kai whispered at the two.

"Not 'a little', he is jealous." Suho answered as the three of them started laughing.

"What's so funny? Let's hurry up and go back to our rooms. I'm tired for today." Baekhyun told them.

After they finished eating, they went back to their rooms to get some rest after all what happened on the first day they arrived in EXO PLANET. The three seperately entered their own rooms as they arrived in front of the door.

"Night, hyung." Kai bid them good night.

"Good night everyone. See you tomorrow." Lay said as he entered his room.

"Baek, don't stress out." Suho smiled at him and entered his room.

"Tsk. Stress out, my ass." Baekhyun hissed as he enter.

Going back to where Ari and HanNi are, the whole room was a mess with all the pillows and blankets everywhere while the two are lying down on the floor, panting. Ari was sweating so much that even his bandages are wet with sweat, while HanNi's hair looks like she just got out of the shower.

"You stink, Ari." she says.

"You're much more smelly, old hag." Ari retort.

"Stop calling me old hag, stu~~pid." HanNi told him.

"Then what should I call you, old hag?" Ari asked.

"My name. Call me by my name, HanNi." she answered.

"Han..Ni..huh? Hm..HanNi." he called.

"Yes?" HanNi answered but Ari didn't say anything but instead stared at the ceiling blankly. "Ari..?" HanNi got up and stared at him.

"Are sister..?" he asked. HanNi smiled at the question and thought it was kind of cute when he's asking.

"Of course I am. It's already been proved. If you're still doubting, we can check the results together?" she suggested.

"No. It's okay. It's fine. I don't even think that you could lie about the results, I trust you." Ari looked at her but when he turned, HanNi's already crying with silly expression written on her face.

"W-whats wrong? A-are you hurt?" Ari panicked. HanNi shook her head wiping her tears. "I-it's just..*sniff* you trust me..and *sniff* it's so touching!"

"B-b-but if I caught you lying about the results--- I won't forgive you!" Ari told her while his face was all red.

"Mmhn. So from now on, you're my official brother, my blood-related brother, my twin brother and the Prince of EXO PLANET!" she exclaimed.

"I-I still can't accept that p-prince thing!" he denied.

"Oh! That's right! I'm older than you, I'm your big sis." HanNi giggled.

"What?! No way! You're older?! No no no no! There must be a mistake. I can't have you bossing me around! That doesn't suit my image! Even I'm older than Xhin!" Ari complained.

"There's no mistake, idiot. Well, I might look like I'm not responsible and mature, but still, you have to see for yourself. Fufufu~" she laughed away.

"Hmp! I, A---" he was cut off. "No no no. You're not 'Ari' anymore, my beloved little brother. You are now, HanGyuk! Park HanGyuk, the twin brother of HanNi and the Prince of EXO PLANET!" she exclaimed again.

"Eeehh~HanGyuk doesn't sound as cool as Ari." He pouted. "OMO SO CUTE!" HanNi suddenly hugged HanGyuk and almost squished him to death.

"Y-yah!..I..cant..breath..stupid..sis.." finally, he was released.

"Call me 'sis' but don't add stupid." now she pouted. "Oh how cute.." HanGyuk though and just pinched her cheeks. 

"Eh? Why you pinch---ow! ow! yah!" he pinched her cheeks a little harder for revenge.

Then they just laughed together like they were really close and ignored everything bad in the past and tried to create a new life together as Park HanNi and Park HanGyuk, the Princess and the Prince of EXO PLANET.

"That's right. Tomorrow, we'll be leaving the planet and go back to Earth. Once the damage is fixed, and everyone is being treated, we'll be leaving. Hangyukkie, I'll introduce you to my guardians and the rest back to Earth. That's'd come with me." she said.

"....I'm new to everything. But I hope you're my sis so you'll take care of me? And what's with that nickname, so not cool." HanGyuk said.

"Well of course! I'll take care of you! You're now my responsibility." she smiled. "That's settled! We'll depart tomorrow! Get a good sleep and wake up early!" she exclaimed happily.

HanNi was about to leave the room as they finished to clean it up and HanGyuk was already on his bed, when she suddenly went running to HanGyuk and hugged him. "..oompf! Yah! ..sis?" HanGyuk wondered. HanNi whispered something and then left. "What the heck...don't say things that make me cry.. stupid sis." 


"I won't ever leave your side, HanGyuk. Never."


Ayo! I'm back! Here's the new update! Idk if it's good though! Enjoy! ^^

Oh, and btw, I'll start calling 'Ari' as HanGyuk from now onwards! Please don't get confuse of who Hangyuk is! ^^



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