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Ahsoka coughed, harder than she could remember coughing in her entire life, the world around her black with smoke, in wake of the bomb that had exploded just seconds before.

Seconds, she hoped. It could have been longer. If she'd blacked out, that was.

All that she could remember was someone screaming at her to get down—Rex or Anakin. Or maybe both. Usually it was worse when it was both.

She couldn't see helmets anywhere, which she found to be slightly reassuring. There was no bomb that could coincidentally blow every single clones's helmet off of his head. Her men had, more than likely, gotten away. She wasn't all that surprised about that. After all, she and Anakin were the only ones she could remember being nearby when it had gone off. 

"Master?" she asked, wincing as she tried to sit up, biting down hard enough on her lip to draw blood as she tried to keep herself from screaming in agony. She had, without a doubt, broken at least three ribs.

She collapsed back down into the pile of rubble, dust and smoke echoing off of the surface in a hazy cloud and, to her surprise, the debris that she was lying atop cried out. 

She squawked loudly, trying to roll over to the side, but failed miserably and instead came to the realization that a familiar looking metal arm was wound around her waist, pinning her against what had to be her master (she didn't know anyone else who had one of those).

"Ahsoka, hold still," Anakin hissed as she whimpered in pain, letting her head rest back against his chest. "I need you..." his breaths sped up for a moment, and Ahsoka could feel one of his arms release its hold on her, lifting up toward his head, "to keep quiet... for me. Can you do that?"

She hoped he could feel her subtle nod.

"Good... good... girl. I don't know who... or what... is still around," he explained, trying to place his hand on the back of her head, but pulling back immediately when he felt her stiffen at the contact. "Are your montrals injured?"

"I think they're just bruised from the impact," she answered, allowing herself to relax as much as one can while buried on a battlefield.

"Are you okay?" she asked, resisting the urge to try and sit up again to scan him for injuries. She could see blood at his hairline in the topmost part of her vision when she rolled her eyes upward all the way.

"Don't worry about me," he said, like he always did.

She closed her eyes, trying to remember something—anything—from before the world had gone black.

"Ahsoka, get down, quickly!"

"Master? Where are you?"

And then she was flying backwards, connected to someone as they grabbed her around the waist, holding her tightly against themself before they both landed in a heap, her on top, nearly forty feet from where they'd just been.

Her throat still hurt from the scream that had torn from it when the bomb had gone off. It was so loud that she wasn't even able to hear herself. No wonder her montrals ached.

"Thank you," she whispered. "For saving me."

She could feel Anakin's ragged, uneven breaths beneath her head. No matter what he told her, she knew that he was far from okay. She'd have him in the medbay as soon as they were out of here.

"Anytime," he muttered. "I've got you."

my sister just left for college and now i'm supposed to be the oldest and i miss her 🥲

Snips and Skyguy: Return of the One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now