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request from blackedsorrow! hope you enjoy :)

"Just throw it all in my closet, I'll clean it out later," Ahsoka ordered loudly into her phone.

"Why are you so worked up about this? I thought you said that your brother wasn't ever too big on cleanliness," her roommate, Rorie, replied.

"He's not a neat freak or anything, but we didn't leave old food all over the place," Ahsoka growled, feeling the slightest bit of relief when she heard the sound of dishes clanking in the sink in the background.

"On it."

"And besides—it isn't just Anakin that's coming over," Ahsoka continued, "It's his whole family. Padmé, Leia, Luke, and I just—"

"You need them to see that you're doing fine on your own, yeah, yeah, I know," Rorie sighed. "How long until they should be here?"

"I should get back about five minutes before they arrive," she answered. "Well, if this kriffing traffic would just hurry up." She pressed the heel of her hand hard onto the speeder's horn.

"Flipping off the other cars won't make them move any faster," Rorie sang knowingly.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"See you in a bit," she said, and ended the call, rounding the corner that lead to the street just one away from her college campus.

As soon as she was parked, she hurriedly unloaded the groceries from her speeder, and rushed up into her dorm.

"Hurry, they're going to be here any minute!" she cried, slamming the door behind herself.

Just as Rorie walked over to begin unloading the bags containing the lunch Ahsoka had been preparing to have set up before her family got there, there was a loud knock at the door.

"Hello!" sang someone from the hall.

"That's them!" Ahsoka exclaimed, recognizing her nephew's voice immediately. "Just take out the lunch meat and bread!" she called over her shoulder, running to the door.

"Soka!" Luke cried, throwing his arms around her legs the moment that he could, causing her to stumble forward, Padmé catching her in a embrace.

"Easy there," she chuckled, swerving to the side slightly to allow Anakin to stoop down and join in on the group hug, Leia wrapping her stubby, little hands around one of her montrals from where she was seated on her father's shoulders.

"You took my spot," Ahsoka teased, ruffling Leia's hair.

"Now, Snips," Anakin laughed as they all pulled back, "you know that I love both of my daughters equally."

"Very touching," she replied with a smirk, pulling him into a side hug as they entered.

"Look at you," he breathed out, holding her by the shoulders when she took a step back.

"She looks pretty," Leia chirped in.

"Very," her dad laughed in response, reaching one hand up so she could wrap hers around it.

"Thanks," Ahsoka giggled.

"You just... look so grown up. I can't believe that you're already nineteen," he sighed. "Force, that was just about my age when I first met you."

"Hmm, yeah," Ahsoka said, tilting her head to the side with a smile, "back when you didn't want me."

"For an hour—you're never going to let that go, are you?"


Anakin scrunched his nose at her teasingly, dropping the remaining hand on her shoulder down to his side.

"You certainly don't seem very Jedi anymore," Padmé said. "You're a city girl now."

Ahsoka jokingly twirled in a circle to show off her outfit.

"Not my reckless little one anymore," Anakin said, drawing an imaginary tear down his cheek.

"But I'm still your Snips!" Ahsoka called over her shoulder as she made her way over the table where Rorie had finished setting up a buffet-style line of lunch meat, bread, and condiments.

Anakin stepped behind her as the rest of the family followed, wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind, and planted a smacking kiss on her cheek before saying,

"And I'm still your Skyguy."

okay so i had this idea. i'm a very keyboard-smashy person but i feel like when that's how i express my opinion abt um. everything. it gets kinda old so.... what if... we use EMOJI KEYBOARD SMASHES like don't question it if i reply or comment on something and it's just 😅🙄🤬😮😱🤮👹😼😪😕🤗

someone pls take my phone away from me, sleep deprived ash came up with that at like 2am 😭

ty for the request, haveeee a great day!!

Snips and Skyguy: Return of the One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें