Stubble Part 2

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thank you very much KateBishop2021 for inspiring certain parts of this! you are wonderful thank you 😁

"Okay, just... just don't touch anything," Anakin instructs, grabbing Ahsoka's wrist and tugging her hand away from the shaving cream bottle, just before she could push down on the top and make an absolute mess of his fresher.

She lifts her hands in mock-surrender, before clasping them behind her back and rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet while she waits for Anakin to tell her what to do.

He pulls back his shower curtain, grabbing the razor from the little shelf on the wall, and then places it on the left side of the sink. Ahsoka smiles eagerly at him and his lips twist in thought as he tries to figure out what to do with her.

Without any warning, Ahsoka feels herself being lifted up off of the ground, and placed on the right side of the sink top. She swings her legs back and forth, letting her heels kick against the cabinet doors behind them.

"I'm ready when you are, Master," she says excitedly, reaching for the shaving cream, and getting her hand swatted away, once again.

"Not yet," he says, raising his eyebrows and pointing at her. "First, I have to wet my face, and then you can do the shaving cream."

She nods and picks the can up again, promising that she's, "just getting it ready," when Anakin widens his eyes at her, warningly. He sighs and turns the faucet on, letting the tap run over his fingers for a few moments before sticking his hands fully beneath it, and then patting his cheeks and chin until the skin is damp enough to begin.

"Alright, shaving cream me," he says, holding out a hand.

Ahsoka squirts a good amount of the substance into his palm, and he shrugs.

"I meant 'hand me the can,' but I guess that works too." He coats the left half of the lowest portion of his face with a thin layer, and lets Ahsoka do the other side after she squirts it into her own hand.

"Can I use some too?" she asks, not waiting for his answer before using the remaining shaving cream on her hands on her own face, mimicking what she had just done to Anakin.

"Uh, I guess so," Anakin chuckles, tapping her on the nose and smearing the remaining cream on his finger over it. He laughs as she tries to wipe it off, only making a bigger mess of the stuff.

She gives him a playful glare before reaching up and patting a shaving cream-covered hand on top of his head, ruffling his hair while his shoulders shoot up in response to the unpleasant feeling.

"Snips!" he cries, gawking at his reflection in the mirror. "Do you know how long it takes me to do my hair?" he groans.

"Revenge," she teases, tapping her fingers together. He rolls his eyes at her and picks the razor up.

The reflection of the dim light in the fresher runs across the blade as Anakin lifts it to his face, illuminating its thin, sharp edges.

Ahsoka watches doubtfully as he brings the odd device up to his cheek, resting the face of the top piece flush against the highest shaving cream-coated area. It looks like it's sharp enough to easily pierce flesh, which is exactly what he's using it on and—

"Anakin, no!" she shouts as he begins to pull the razor down, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling so hard that he stumbles forward, crying out when he feels the blade scratch against his skin, not hard enough to make it bleed, he thinks, but hard nonetheless.


"It's... it's sharp!" Ahsoka sputters, gesturing wildly at the razor in his hand. "You're going to hurt yourself!"

He closes his eyes for a moment, and lets out a soft laugh.

"Look—I appreciate the concern, but I promise I know what I'm doing. This isn't going to hurt me, okay? It's only going to cut the ends of the hair off. You know? That stubble that you were so concerned about?" he teases. She huffs out a sigh and looks away from his eyes.

"I really need to learn more about humans."

He takes her hand.

"And that's why I'm teaching you."

He wraps her hand in a fist around the handle of the razor, his much larger palm pressed against the back of hers.

"Alright, you ready?" he asks, guiding her hand to the starting spot and helping her drag the blade down, slowly. "There you go, nice and easy, just a little pressure."

He lets go of her hand and instantly feels the razor bite into his skin and winces, hoping that she doesn't know that she's hurt him; it'll freak her out.

She does notice, dropping the razor and covering her mouth with her hands.

"I'm sorry!" she gasps, eyes wide. "I thought you said that it wouldn't hurt you! I-I didn't—"

Anakin doesn't say anything in response. He simply crouches down, stands back up, and places the razor back in her hand.

"I don't want to hurt you again."

"I'm fine," he says, smiling. "Really, I am. You can do this, Snips. I believe in you. Now get rid of all the scary stubble."

"Ahsoka helped me," Anakin tells Padmé while she covers the many cuts on his face with makeup.

"That," she says, dabbing some sort of cream on one of the larger blemishes, "makes a lot more sense."

"What? You thought that I was stupid enough to cut myself from shaving?"

She stares at him blankly for a moment, torn cheeks cupped in both of her hands before she kisses him quickly on the lips.


you guys know the "i'm grateful your mine" tiktok thing? just... anakin singing it to ahsoka (just that part cuz the rest of the song is too romantic for me to pretend it's platonic) bc she's still insecure abt him not wanting her at first 🥺🥺 i will in fact be writing this and listening to it over and over again while thinking about them

Snips and Skyguy: Return of the One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora