New Faces

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ahsoka's birth family learning about anakin feels 🥰

"You know," Anakin says, loosening the buckles on the leather bands around his arms, "I don't really think this is my style."

"What—leather?" Ahsoka deadpans. "I thought that it would be totally your style with trying to look all... cool and stuff."

"What is that supposed to mean?" he says with a roll of his eyes while she laughs.

"Nothing, nothing," she reassures him, standing on the tips of her toes to adjust the black headpiece he's clasping around his hairline. He ducks down a bit to let her.

"Thanks," he says while she ruffles his hair before dropping her hands back down to her sides. "How do I look?"

"About as togrutan as you can without actually being one." She nods her head at their reflections in the mirror once before grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the tent, the both of them laughing as they sprint toward the camp fire where her birth family is waiting for them.

Her mother likes Anakin. Her father does not. He thinks that her master has ill intentions with her.

"Absolutely not," Anakin snaps instantly once the man expresses this to him. "Ahsoka is like my dau—" he clears his throat, giving himself a moment to rethink his words as her actual father's eyebrow markings shoot up, "little sister," he decides. "And I take care of her."

He narrows his green eyes at Anakin before looking off to the side to watch Ahsoka run through the red grass with some of the local children.

"Good," he says bluntly.

Anakin smiles as he walks away.

The decision to spar doesn't quite come from either one of them, but the children asked for a show and they both love the attention.

They singe the tips of the crimson grass with their sabers while the stars shine down on them from the inky sky. Ahsoka tackles her master to the ground and the kids shriek with laughter.

Her mother sighs in relief when she sees two blue montrals pop up from within the grass, followed by the messy, dark blond hair of a dazed human.

"Show off," Anakin mutters, shoving her off of himself.

"Learned from the best," Ahsoka retorts, shoving him back.

They retrieve their abandoned lightsabers from the ground and retract the glowing blades before heading back over to the fire, a round of applause greeting them both. Ahsoka's father claps her on the back and Anakin is proud.

It isn't until they're singing songs in the togruti language that Ahsoka's father truly believes Anakin's declaration of brotherhood and care toward his daughter. He watches her look up at him and whisper something that makes him laugh, and when he turns to them a few moments later, her head is on his shoulder and his is leaning against her montrals.

He hadn't been keen on sending her away with the Jedi when she was little, but he sees now that it can't have been as much of a mistake as he'd assumed.

She is happy and she is protected. That much he knows for sure.


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