Shaken Part 4

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"Bark and Bite. They're batchmates," Rex said gruffly, shoulders squared as he turned sharply down the hall. "With Ahsoka's permission, we can explain the situation to the Kaminoans and have them, at worst, sent back for some time."

Anakin looked at the ground angrily.

"That's the worst that can happen to them?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"What they did to her was disgusting and deplorable and I will not allow them to step within a foot of anyone in this battalion again if I can help it," Rex began. "But," he sighed, "they didn't harm her enough to warrant imprisonment any longer than a year or so."

"I'll do everything in my power to make sure that that happens then."

Rex nodded as they arrived at the door to Anakin's office in the barracks.

"Here we go," Rex muttered.

Anakin threw the door open with a wave of his hand, striding forward with no care at all whatsoever as he slammed his hands down on the desk in front of the two men who had hurt his padawan.

"S-Sir," one of them greeted—Bite, Anakin thought from the tattoo of fangs on his temple.

"How dare you," he muttered, voice hauntingly quiet. "How dare you!" he roared, thrusting a finger at the man's chest.

Bark inhaled sharply beside his brother, watching him shake under Anakin's glowering eyes. His head snapped to the side to face the second culprit.

"And you!" he continued. He spat onto the table. "You both disgust me."

Rex stepped forward, laying a hand over his general's where it rested on the hilt of his lightsaber, swinging from his belt.

"Sir, I think you should step back," Rex leaned over his shoulder to whisper. He knew Anakin. He knew that he was on the verge of doing something that he was going to regret.

"You didn't have to see the look on her face when she came home to me, shaking and terrified. She wouldn't let me touch her, hardly lets anyone touch her now because of you. Because of you, she can't spend time with Rex now—her best friend—without having a panic attack. Because of you, she's lost all of her confidence. She thinks that she's worthless, only valued for her kriffing body because of what you did to her. Well let me tell you something—my padawan is more than that. She's loving and kind and sarcastic and funny, and most importantly...she's a fighter," he said the last words in a low voice that resonated throughout the room. "She could kill you but she won't because she's too good for this galaxy. But she's a fighter. And I would watch your backs if I were you."

With that, Anakin turned on his heel and exited the room without another word, slamming the door behind himself.

He hoped nobody saw his tears as he made his way back to the temple.

yall my parents just found out that my sister got a tattoo and it is going DOWNNNN. i am LIVING for this drama MWAHAHAHA

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