Marbles 🤪

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here it is :) hehehe

slight spoilers for squid game i guess????? also ik we call them blasters in sw but i'm calling them guns in this chapter for... no good reason really, i just wanted to

"I want to keep you close to me," Anakin reasoned when Ahsoka asked him why he had asked her to be his partner for whatever game they would be forced to compete in next.

She wrinkled her nose.

"But I can take care of—"

"I know, I know," he sighed, holding her by the shoulders, giving them a light squeeze. "But this place, these games are... they're different from anything that we've ever been through. We don't have any control over ourselves here. I just want to keep you safe."

She looked around the room, at the rest of the participants. She wasn't complaining that he had wanted her as his teammate; he was the ideal choice out of everyone in there—tall, strong, powerful... deadly, even, when he wanted to be.

Her master could have picked anyone else. The room was full of Jedi who were much more experienced and capable than herself, Jedi who would give him a much better chance of winning if he'd chosen them.

But, no.

He'd picked her. His padawan of two and a half years, all because he wanted to keep her safe. Perhaps she could try and keep him safe as well.

She held her arm out, bent slightly at the elbow.

"Let's do this."

Anakin placed his palm against hers before gripping her hand and shaking hard to signify to the others that they were partners; that they were stuck together for whatever came at them next in this hell of a place.

They were guided through the door by one of the masked employees, along with the rest of the teams. Padmé and Obi-Wan had picked one another, Anakin noticed, as had Echo and Fives. He wasn't able to catch sight of anymore pairs in the crowd.

Ahsoka linked her arm through his, keeping herself flush against her master's side as they awaited further instruction—as they awaited the reveal of the game that would inevitably kill so many. Anakin's hand found hers and he squeezed it.

"Don't worry. It's going to be okay."

She nodded.

"Attention players," boomed the too-cheery voice through the speakers, "please follow the staff to your designated positions for the game."

One of the red-robed staff members stood before Anakin and Ahsoka, waving them along behind himself. The thick mask over his face hid the way that his eyes flicked down to their tightly joined hands. They truly had no idea what was about to happen.

They were lead to a rock wall, blocked by the rows of houses that lined the streets. Dusty clouds of dirt spiraled around each of their feet with every step they took.

"Players, please take one bag each from the staff member before you."

Anakin looked to his right, tilting his head down to meet Ahsoka's eyes, the confidence in her locked jaw and hard stare merely a facade for her fear. They faced the staff member.

Without letting go of one another, they reached forward to each take a small, beige bag from the employee. He mumbled something beneath his mask, too quiet for Anakin to catch with his ears, but loud enough for Ahsoka's montrals.

"He said to let go," she whispered, letting the arm holding the bag swing down beside her waist. "He said..." she looked down nervously, "he said it'll be easier if we let go."

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