anakin is tired

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and so am i. here's a cute request from arwensoft! hope you enjoy!

The bags beneath his eyes look darker when the only light in the room she'd just tiptoed into is coming from outside the window. Ahsoka can tell her master is barely awake. But he's definitely not asleep.

Not anymore.

She had felt it all; the sudden switch from peaceful, quiet, dreamless sleep to the raging hot fire of a nightmare, almost so sudden that it had felt forced. It'd felt like someone else had been in Anakin's head, and by extension, her own. Because when her master feels this strongly, she feels it all too.

So, when she sits down beside him on his bed, allowing herself to be wrapped in his outstretched arm, she feels his relief.

"Are you alright?" she asks.

He doesn't look at her. Only continues staring out the window for a few more moments before giving a half-hearted nod.

"Yeah, don't worry about me," he sighs. "I'm sorry for waking you up. I didn't mean to project."

"I'm not mad," she replies, shrugging her shoulders. "And," she takes a deep breath, wondering if this is one of those nights where she tries to get him to talk, or one where she just lets it go, "I'm not the one who had the nightmare so—"

"I don't want to talk about it, Snips," he silences her, shaking his head. "I want you to go back to sleep."

"Not unless you do," she replies, too quickly for her mind to process the words that are coming out of her mouth. She clamps her teeth together immediately, wearing such a guilty look when Anakin turns to her that he can't help but crack a smile.

"I will go back to sleep," he says gently. "Okay?"

"Okay." She puts her head on his shoulder. "You know, you should talk to me about your dreams sometimes. Maybe then they'll stop, if they're out in the open."

"Don't want to scare you," he mutters, and she knows it's not completely a lie. But it certainly isn't the whole truth.

She doesn't want to push her luck tonight though. He's already let her off the hook for telling him what to do.

She doesn't want to leave, so she waits for him to tell her to do so, sitting in silence for the next ten minutes. Not a word leaves his mouth until she's already asleep. He rests his head on top hers for a few moments, before adjusting her position so that she can lay down.

He swallows hard as he instinctively presses two fingers to the pulse point on her neck, the same way that he's done in every one of his recurring nightmares. The only difference is that he can feel the steady thrum of her heartbeat this time.

And he can see the rise and fall of her chest.

And when he cradles her against himself, her eyes are only closed because she's asleep. 

And she is alive.

you ever have a song relentlessly attack you? like one that breaks your heart every time you hear it? and it just keeps popping up in your life in unexpected places? cuz rn for me that's "the scientist" by coldplay and it HURTS

Snips and Skyguy: Return of the One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now