Shaken Part 3

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you ask and you shall receive 😌

"Can we walk today instead?" Anakin asked, tightening the extra robe around himself as a cold breeze sent shivers down his spine.

"Sure," Rex replied, arms crossed over his chest as he fell briskly into step with his general. "How come, if you don't mind me asking?"

"There's something important that I need to talk to you about."


"You must get so sick of them. I can't imagine being the only girl for weeks at a time," Padmé muttered, shaking her head. "It must stink on that ship."

Ahsoka giggled into her cup.

"Shockingly, your hu—Anakin is a bit of a neat freak."

Padmé narrowed her eyes at the girl, trying to figure out if the slip-up had been intentional or not. Ahsoka sipped her drink casually, looking away from the senator's gaze.


"Yeah, he makes me put all my clothes in the hamper and puts them in the laundry every time we leave the ship. He refuses to fold them though when we get back on. He always makes me do it."

Padmé laughed, shaking her head.

'Can't do laundry because they didn't teach us how to on Tatooine when I was a slave,' my ass, she thought.

"Well, how have things been outside of the war?" she asked, resting her chin on her hand, all propped up by her elbow against the table.

Ahsoka looked down, fingers pausing their drumming against her glass. She chewed the inside of her lip before speaking.

"Anakin told you, didn't he?" she sighed, avoiding the woman's eyes.

"Not on purpose, no," she said, reaching forward with the intention of resting a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder, but thinking better of it and pulling back before she touched her. "He accidentally sent me a message that was meant for you."

Ahsoka groaned, a smile breaking out over her face involuntarily as she buried her head in her hands.

"He's such an idiot."


"I talked to him today to explain why you might be a bit uncomfortable around him, like you asked me to," Anakin said before shoveling a forkful of food into his mouth.

Ahsoka nodded, picking at the slab of meat in front of herself.

"He understands, Snips," Anakin reassured her, rubbing her shoulder. "He isn't angry at all. With you, at least. He wants you to know that he'll be there for you as soon as you're ready."

She grinned softly.

"Thank him for me?"

"Of course."

They both went back to their food, falling into comfortable silence. Ahsoka broke it to quietly ask,

"And the men?"

Anakin swallowed hard, jaw clenching.

"Rex knows who they are. We're meeting with them tomorrow."

Ahsoka eyed her master nervously as the metal of his hand squeaked against his fork, gripping it tightly.

"Don't do anything stupid."

"I won't," he promised. "I'll only do what I have to."

guys my dad just walked downstairs and went "you better watch your language. i heard you before." and i literally have no idea what he's talking about but now i'm scared 😃

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