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request from I_am_snips! sorry it took me so long but i hope you enjoy!

"It's going to be okay, Commander," Rex is saying uncertainly as the girl in his arms drifts in and out of consciousness. "Just hold on for a few more minutes, I promise."

"Rex?" she asks, eyes rolling upward and then back down again as she closes them, letting out a heavy breath.

"What is it? What do you need?"

"Where—" she coughs wetly and he prays that that isn't because of blood, "is he?"

"He'll be here," the captain replies confidently. He's probably busy killing the person who did this to you, he thinks, not saying it out loud because he knows that it's true and he doesn't need to stress her out any further. "He'll be here."

Anakin can taste blood in the back of his throat as he sprints toward the shuttle, eyes narrowed in concentration. That ship is the only place he wants to be right now and the fact that his padawan is hurt and he isn't with her is breaking him. So he runs as fast as he can, feet pounding harder into the ground with every step, until his boots meet metal and he's climbing up the ramp to the place where Rex is holding Ahsoka protectively against himself, no wound clearly visible on her.

"I think it's a concussion of sorts," Rex explains as Anakin drops to his knees before the two of them, placing a hand on Ahsoka's head.

"Then she's supposed to be in the dark, right?" he asks, his knowledge of the injury not quite extensive.

"I think so," Rex replies, hoisting her up as he stands and allowing Anakin to lead the two of them to his own, personal quarters of the ship.

He turns off the lights as Rex deposits his padawan gently onto his bed, her eyes fluttering open as soon as Anakin is at her side as well.

"You're here," she croaks, squeezing his hand when he laces their fingers together. "Rex... said you would be here."

"I'm here," he whispers, running a hand lightly down her lekku, pulling away when she hisses in pain at the touch. "Call a medic?" he requests to Rex, looking away from her for a moment.

"Right away," Rex says, stepping back and tapping against his comm link.

"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere," Anakin continues. "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that you're okay and comfortable until we get to someone who can help you."

"You promise?" she slurs with a dazed smile.

"Everything, Snips. Everything I can. I promise."

literally *how* is this book already at 40 chapters wtf 🧍‍♀️

Snips and Skyguy: Return of the One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now