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hello thereeeee!!


Ahsoka stretched her arms up over her head as she sat up on her mattress, nearly growling at the sun glaring at her through the window on the left wall.

Stupid Shili and it's stupid early sunrises.

When she had been a part of the order and still lived on Coruscant, in the temple, it was never completely dark, making the light of early morning seem somehow dimmer and less mean.

She lowered her feet to the floor, sighing when they came in contact with the warm rug. It wasn't that this was a bad change from her old quarters on the Resolute, it just wasn't familiar. Making games up with Anakin to see who could make it across the freezing floor from their beds to their kitchenette without flinching was what she was used to—a memory that she was unwilling to let go of.

She looked to her wall as she trudged over to the door, putting off the task of getting dressed for as long as she could. She was perfectly comfortable in one of her master's—old master's—sleep shirts.

And there he was, in a picture next to her closet, looking far more serious than she ever remembered seeing him. It was an official photo, required for the highest ranking members in the GAR. Anakin had her photo framed somewhere in his quarters too.

"Miss you, Skyguy," she whispered, brushing her fingers lightly against his image, imagining his smile, his laugh, the way that his eyes always went all soft when he looked at her, filled to the brim with affection.

She hadn't seen him in months, not since he had dropped her off here.

"Ahsoka!" her mother's voice called over the sound of running water. "Someone is here to see you!"

She peeled her eyes away from the image, sauntering out of her room and into the kitchen, instantly being greeted by the warm smell of caf and bantha meat.

She let out a long exhale. Another thing that had taken weeks to get used to—breakfast. They rarely had anything more than ration bars on the Resolute, and temple food was all kinds of disgusting. Anakin used to take her out to eat most of the time.

"Coming!" Ahsoka yelled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes with fisted hands as she walked toward the front of the house.

It was probably just some the children from her village coming to ask for stories about the Jedi, stories that she had told one too many times since returning to her home planet.

From her father's odd smile, however, she began to think otherwise. She had always been good at reading people, and he was definitely hiding something big.

"What's going on?" she asked, pausing a few feet from the door.

"Come and see for yourself," her mother said softly, pulling back the the board of wood.

She didn't remember screaming, but she heard the sound echoing off of the walls of her cottage.

She didn't remember sprinting across the hall either, or jumping up off of the ground, but she felt her ankles cross over one another as they wrapped around Anakin's waist, her arms around his neck.

And she didn't remember crying, but when she pulled back to make sure she wasn't dreaming, his neck shone with her tears.

"Anakin," she said, looking down at him from where he was holding her, just high enough that her watery eyes resided inches above his identical ones.

"Surprised?" he was barely able to choke out, his voice thick with emotion as he tilted his head upward, pressing his forehead against hers.

She melted into another hug, burying her face in his shoulder as he carried her through the doorway, his voice cracking as he greeted each of her parents.

He turned his head, pressing a gentle kiss to her montral.

"Hey," he said softly.

It took her a moment to respond, her throat tight when she finally did.

She had come to Shili to find herself again, to know her identity after being stripped of the only one that she had ever known.

But Shili wasn't her home.

And neither was the order.

Her home was comforting hands on her shoulders, warm hugs when the nights were too dark, and soft lullabies to chase the nightmares away.

Her home was deep, blue eyes, so full of love, so full of life, and kisses peppered all over her head just to make her smile.

Her home was the arms around her right now, the strong hands carrying her into the living room that never let go, even after they were settled down on the couch.

She curled herself up in his lap, looked up, and whispered,

"Hey, Skyguy."

i'm so glad that this is back. ik it's only been like... 2 days but i'm dramatic and in dire need of fluff 🥲

alright, have a great night and leave ideas if ya have any!

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