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i woke up from my nap today and my feet were cold so let the projecting commence

"No, I will not bring you a pair of my socks. I need those," Anakin said, pulling his boot off with the hand that wasn't currently holding him upright against the couch.

"Please, Master, it's freezing. I don't want to touch the floor."

"I missed the part where that's my problem," he sang with a smirk, kicking his shoes off to the side of the door and shrugging off his jacket.

"Excuse me?" she exclaimed, hugging herself as she shivered.

"What? You are in my  quarters at four in the morning. I'm not going to be your... servant or something, running around and getting you things that belong to me. Especially when I know that you won't give them back."

"That's not true!" Ahsoka scoffed.

"Oh, yes it is! You never gave me back my cloak after I put it over you in the medbay," Anakin reminded her.

"Oh, sorry. Maybe I should remind you that I was unconscious. And it's probably on my bed or something, so I can go get it for you if you would just let me borrow some socks!"

Before Anakin could respond, Ahsoka had another accusation flying off of her lips.

"And what exactly were you out doing until four in the morning, Mister?"

"'Mister?'" he repeated, trying not to laugh. "Don't you Mister me."

"Come on, I want to know! I think I've got good reason to be suspicious."

"I'll tell you in the," he paused, trying to find the right words—morning would not work. "I'll tell you after you sleep."

"Not gonna sleep unless I'm—" Ahsoka shrieked with laughter as Anakin rushed at her, lifting her up, off of the couch beside his bed and sprinted over to her quarters. 

"There," he said, out of breath as he laid her down on her bed. "No socks, no stealing. Only sleep."

"I still want to know what you were doing."

"I already said I'd tell you after—"

"Sure, you will," Ahsoka muttered, rolling her eyes. There was still a hint of a smile on her face, however, so he knew that she wasn't actually upset with him. "You're definitely not just going to use this time to come up with a good cover."

"Goodnight," Anakin said, ignoring her as he found his cloak at the foot of her bed. He pulled it up over her face, laughing as she tugged it back down to her chin, angrily. "I want that back," he teased.

"Keep changing the subject, liar," she grumbled.

"Goodnight," Anakin repeated, kissing her forehead before slipping out of the room.

Ahsoka smiled, shook her head, and went to sleep.


that is all, goodnight.

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