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"It's been a long time," Ahsoka whispered, eyes closed as the faint tickle of a breeze fluttered over her shoulder.

She felt the impression of a solemn nod in the Force, an almost inaudible "sure has," falling from his lips.

She couldn't see him but she knew that he was there—knew that he'd been there at other times in the whistle of the wind or the soft sunlight that washed over her face. Anakin was, truly and finally, one with the Force.

He was at peace.

He felt her reach longingly for him through the frayed ends of a bond once as strong as pure beskar. He reached back, tentatively.

The ghost of a hand rested in its spot on her shoulder, the space that it had always occupied when she was young. 

If she looked closely enough, she could make out the flash of sunlight in the reflection of his deep, blue eyes. It was far too bright outside for him to be fully visible to her at the moment. Maybe if she focused hard enough, she thought, she'd be able to keep him here with her long enough for the sky to go dark, to convince him to stay like he'd tried to do with her before she'd left the Jedi order.

"You're dead," she stated bluntly. Because it was true.

Simple and plain.

Anakin was dead.

I suppose so. The wind grew stronger, causing her right lek to blow into her face. But I'm still with you here now, aren't I?

She shivered, pulling her cloak more tightly around herself.

"Why are you here?"

I owe you an apology.

"You think?"

I know.

She swallowed thickly, shaking her head from side to side. She had to remember—had to—that this was not Vader. This was not the man who had tried to kill her, the one who had reigned over the entire galaxy, invoking fear in every citizen. 

No, this was Anakin Skywalker, a good person. This was the man with kind eyes and a warm smile, occasionally mischievous, and a gentle nature when they were not in battle. This was her brother, speaking to her for the first time in nearly thirty years. It had been a long time since she'd heard his voice in anything other than old training videos that she used for meditation, the familiarity always relaxing her in an instant.

You didn't deserve that from me—no one did. I never meant to hurt you. I promised you that I would never let anyone hurt you, but then I went and hurt you the most. For that, Snips, I am so sorry.

She leaned upward, certain that she could feel the lightest touch of a palm against her cheek, her eyes closed as she took in the moment—the setting sun, her tranquility, her best friend finally with her again.

"I know, Anakin," she said softly. "I know that that wasn't you."

The comfort of his pretense flickered, like the dancing flames of a fire, just like the ones she'd used to build with the clones back during the war, and just as soon a he'd made himself known to her, he disappeared.

Ahsoka let a cry escape her lips.

She fell to her knees, unsure of how to feel. All she knew was that she wanted—no, needed—to see him again, in a more physical form if she could work hard enough to make that happen.

Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she heard a voice whispering, don't worry, we'll be together again, my reckless little one.


Snips and Skyguy: Return of the One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now