Chapter 64: Horror Skewers (19)

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Xie Xinglan happened to see an old diary on the wooden table to one side. He walked over and was about to pick up the diary when his eyes swept over the table and sank slightly.

There was a clear map of the maze on the table and a few pieces of paper nailed on the wall in front of him. There were precise data on the length, width and height of the maze, detailed information on the game of hide and seek and experiments on whether the foggy glass could be smashed by scissors...

It seemed the glass maze was deliberately built by the faceless man and this dangerous hide and seek game was also planned by him.

Xie Xinglan looked at the diary in his hand.

The cover of the diary was hard, thick and brown. The centre of the cover was an image of a short man. The man had no head and the head was instead a thumb-sized mirror that was embedded. Xie Xinglan held the diary and the mirror happened to show Xie Xinglan's face. At first glance, it seemed like Xie Xinglan's head was on the image, integrating with the short man.

The implication was strong.

Xie Xinglan opened the diary. The diary was parchment paper that felt rough to touch. The paper inside was full of words and the handwriting was extremely ugly, just like the handwriting on the note they obtained.

Therefore, the 'glass' clue they received was deliberately provided by the faceless person. Every step of the puzzle was set by the faceless person and everything happening now was within his expectations.

Xie Xinglan could feel the pride of the faceless person. There was a type of playfulness and condescending feeling of having everything under his control. Xie Xinglan scanned the dates of the diary and found that this diary actually recorded the thoughts and feelings of the faceless man for over 10 years.

At the beginning, the child was full of loss.

"Oh, it turns out that I didn't pop out from a rock. They abandoned me. I would've rather popped out from a rock."

"I also want to have a mom and a dad."

"I want to talk to them. I can't see them but I know they hate me."

Later, there was resentment and curses.

"The children in the orphanage are bullying me. I want them to die. Everyone has no parents. Why bully me? Growing up like this isn't what I want."

"Why give birth to me? Why give birth to me and not want me? Why? My parents...? Sooner or later, I will kill you! This is the price you will pay for making me suffer alone in the world!"

"Why aren't I dead? Hehe, I won't die. How can I die? All of you, wait for me!!"

Finally, there was the joy of successfully getting revenge.

"Today, I tricked that idiot and killed him. It turns out that the feeling of killing is so wonderful. What a great word 'Dad' is. You don't deserve it."

"It turns out that my mother is pregnant. I don't care about it. It deserves to die. I know there is some possibility of the Treacher Collins syndrome being hereditary. I really want to know if you will abandon him like you abandoned me if he gets it? Unfortunately, there won't be a chance. I don't want my younger sibling to suffer the same as me so I'll cut him out..."

The diary contained a photo of the faceless man digging out a child from a frightened woman's stomach.

Xie Xinglan glanced over at the group of bodies and seemed to know the identity of these bodies. They were all the faceless man's objects of revenge.

Xie Xingxing continued to read.

"Today, I watched the Hunchback of Notre Dame. There was an ugly bell-ringer Quasimodo who liked a beautiful and kind gypsy girl Esmeralda. Quasimodo was willing to give everything for her and so am I. It is a pity that you only have a beautiful face while your mind is as poisonous as a snake. Quasimodo can only reluctantly kill you so that you can be with me forever..."

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