Act IV Chapter 10: You Can't Hide

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(this will be a veery long chapter I recommend you reading all of it so you can understand next chapter but it's up to you)

Y/n's PoV:

A week before I fight with coven. I'm currently hanging out with evelynn in her penthouse because she insisted to much on it and I really don't mind...

Evelynn: You saw the news about that psycho?

Y/n: I'm not a fan of the news, I'd rather take a look on the newspaper every now and then....

Evelynn: That bastard took some precious people from us... He deserves to die!

Y/n: death is a very strong wish Eve... He's masked so it could be literally anyone on piltover...

Evelynn: he deserves to die in the most painful way...

Y/n: be careful what you wish for.

I scrolled through my phone while evelynn played with my hair, I've noticed that her smell is sweeter than other days... It's weird....

Y/n: So you're going to evacuate?

Evelynn: most probably we will, how about you? Are you coming along with us?

Y/n: The golden demon stole hextech gems so I'll have to take care of the lab. Even if I wanted to save myself I have to take care of hextech.... May I?

I signaled her lap with my finger asking for permission to rest my head there... She smiled sweet and nooded gently... I rsted my head on her lap while she kept planning with my hair...

Evelynn: You've been showing to much affection towards me lately.

Y/n: I just... It feels nice to have someone around that cares about me... Some months ago my mother passed away and before that my step sister got killed by a police officer... And irelia was de only one keeping sane... And having someone around feels different...

She remained silent and so did I... I enjoy the moment while I could... Then I stood up and cracked my back fully, I looked down at my phone again... No notifications... Just one from irelia's aunt... Kayle...

Evelynn: I would like to know what are we y/n. Are we something or are you just my play thing?

Y/n: I think that I like you...

Evelynn: You do?

Y/n: I have a serious issue with expressing my feelings so I'll leave it plain...

She hugged me as she kissed my cheeks and plassed her purple lipstick all over my cheeks and lips.... Was she excited for me to say that? I don't get it? What's so important about it.

Evelynn: Forgive me I belive I went off board with the kissing. But I am very happy for you being able to express those feelings to me...

Y/n: it's going to sound weird but... Can you hold me for a while...

She hugged me as I buried my head on her shoulder.. Every time I remember that only I attended to the funeral makes me so miserable...

Evelynn: Listen I have something to ask you... I belive both akali and ahri want to talk you you, are you fine with that?

Y/n: yeah I'm fine with that...

Evelynn: do you want me to go get them so we can get this over with?

Y/n: sure I mean you're the boss.

Evelynn's PoV:

I walked towards ahri's room but I couldn't help but to smile, the Purpose of the mark isn't to claim property over other demons, its exact function is to make the prey belive it can't leave without me and generate feeling towards me. So it looks like I will have him for myself for the rest of his life spawn.

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