Act II Chapter 10: Go Away

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Ahri's PoV:

Again I have the feeling that I don't want to get out of my bed, but this time it's a different reason... It's my heat period, and I just don't want to do something stupid with y/n... I don't want him to hate me...

Y/n's PoV:

Last night Akali insisted on sleeping besides me but clearly my bed doesn't fit two, so I ended up sleeping in her bedroom. Again nothing weird happened thank God, but at one point of the night I woke up because I almost chocked with my own saliva and when I was about to go back to sleep I heard Akali wake up and say " it wasn't a dream" and then hug me from behind since Im a side sleeper, and being honest it's the first time I share the bed with someone else.

I woke up early as usual and prepared their breakfast, until I noticed that I actually need to go buy groceries. I tried to make a list but apparently they already have one so I'll just follow that one. Before leaving I wrote a small note saying that I went to get milk which is just a saying to tell that I went to the grocery store.

The buying process was just normal but this girls buy at the most expensive market in piltover, so money ain't a issue for them huh. Apparently they just buy organic shit. Once I was done with their grocery I went and did mine. Which was my cokes, cigarettes, bags of chips and just a few fruits that I got from the flee market. I managed to get a taxi to take me back to the penthouse. Sure it was a fuck ton of work to do all in one trip but I made it.

The elevator doors opened and I was received by Noone. They must be out or something. I continued with my routine, I needed to figure out what I'm going to make for them...

Then I heard a door opened and I saw Ahri walk to the fridge and heat up a plate. Must be her breakfast.

Y/n: Hey I can make something for you if you want. That way you don't have to eat something.

Ahri: No. It's fine.

She got the plate out of the microwave and headed back to her room, that's strange...

Later on that day

I walked towards Ahri's room and knocked slightly...

Ahri: WHAT?!

Y/n: I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come with me to a restaurant-

Ahri: NO, GO AWAY.

Y/n: A-Alright then.

Yes I stuttered because I got nervous at her reaction but she didnt need to be that rude. So instead I just went alone. Evelynn texted me asking if I knew why Ahri was acting like that and I just replied with a Nope. I mean it's probably my fault thanks to how I treated her yesterday so yeah it's my fault.

I was Finally done and decided to check my phone. I had to text messages, one from Akali and other from Viktor. I opened Viktor's and saw that the council asked us to be a representative in a "Space convention" that's nice to know. It's in about two weeks, nice. Then I opened the chat with Akali. Apparently se wanted to pick me up in her bike so we could spend some time out, so yeah I just agreed because if I'm technically her boyfriend then I guess why not. I paid after eating and waited outside the restaurant, after waiting some moments with my headphones playing some music.

Then I saw a bike do a drift in front of me, that must be Akali.

Akali: *Helmet voice modulator* hey! Jump in and also wear this.

She handed me a pink helmet with cat ears... While hers look sick as hell mine looks cute....

I putted it on leaving my pride aside and sat behind her, and for supporting my self I grabbed on the spikes the Bike has...

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