Act II Chapter 9: Blood Spilled

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Y/n's PoV:



hi, I'm y/n. We already know each other, but let me explain you how I got here.

Flashback to last night

After I punched the guy on the nose I stood up and joined the fight, it wasn't easy and I receive a shit ton of punches and now I have my left eye bruised, I had to put my jaw back in place on my own.. But hey I made a friend.

???: Hey, thanks for helping me out.

Y/n: No problem man, what's your name by the way.

???: my name is Cendric, you must be y/n huh?

Y/n: yeah, ouch my ears burn.

(Cendric is a vastaya like Rakan, I don't know the name of the subspecies he belongs but yea)

Cendric: you've fought before haven't you?

Y/n: yeah, a lot of times. I used to be in a street fighting club here in Zaun, they gave me the nickname of "Lighting" still don't know why but it was nice...

Cendric: I imagine. Here have this.

He gave me a little card, where his name and phone number were, I putted it in my wallet.

Cendric: You've gained a friend and my respect y/n, so if you wanna hang out sometime. Give me a call alright?

He stood up and walked away, the punches left be a bit sore... But man I never slammed a rum glass on someone's head.... Oh my favorite part was when I force one of them to put his open mouth on the corner of a table and kicked this head making all his teeth to break.

I should get going... I patted my pockets and found out that not only I didn't have my house keys... I must have left them in the car...fuck it's 12 am! O continued patting my pockets and saw I had the keys to the penthouse... And there bloody because I used them as brass knuckles... Shit I did go crazy...

After about 40 minutes of walking and 10 of taking the underground metro I finally reached the penthouse... Fuck I just wanna sleep a bit... Sure the lady that's the night shift secretary ask some questions about who I was and where I was heading, but she finally letted me go.


The elevator door opened and I walked in, I reached the fridge and got an ice pack and a piece of raw meat... I couldn't make it to my room so I just layed down in the couch, I placed the ice pack on my jaw and the piece of meat across my eyes... Then I finally fell asleep....

I didn't had a nightmare, instead I was just floating on a deep sea... So much calm but then I felt how I started shaking like crazy and I woke up.

Y/n: Earthquake!

I stood up in speed making the meat and the ice pack fall of my face.... Then I turned around and I saw it was way worse... The four of them where standing there.... Evelynn had a black baby doll and a weird green thing across her face, must be her skin care. The Akali was wearing those pills a shorts and a t shirt that had a bike on it...

Y/n: before you do or say something... Nice baby doll Evelynn.


Y/n: To places people my age and social status would go to... Which would be Willy's


Y/n: you wouldn't get it...

I pulled my hair back and yawned, after that I just normally sat and waited for them to scold me.

From Light To Dark (K/da X male reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя