Act II Epilogue.

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Evelyn's PoV:

A few months back Mundo came in mentioning us that it would be good if  kda added a new member, Seraphine is her name and I totally dispite her. She's to childy and is always behind akali, apparently she was a big fan.... She brought a cat with her... I always tried to distance myself from her mainly because her childy actitude remained me of that time we saw y/n on a horse ride...

It's been rough for me not having someone to tease or someone who even though that the food tastes like literal trash would pretend to make food according to my diet and making something completely different and with high calories... But tasty as fuck... I didn't notice how much I was emotionally attracted and attached to him until he left...

Ahri: Hey Evelynn! Kai'sa doesn't wanna cook today! What would you like to eat...


Y/n: Fuck it I'm not cooking today, Eve! What do you wanna eat?

Evelynn: I don't know? Something tasty?

Y/n: Fuck it I'm giving you low class food. Imma order Burgir queen either you guys like it or not!

He walked towards the couch were I was sitting and sat next to me, he placed his hand on the empty white Cushion... I placed mine in top of him he turned to look at me and gave me a smile then he came close to me and rested his head on my shoulder...

Flashback end

Ahri: EEEEVE! you're spacing out again

Evelynn: Sorry dear... I have quite the craving for a Burgir Queen, so I would like a burger from That place.

Seraphine: oh! I didn't know you guys liked Burgir Queen!

That's the thing... We only ordered burgers from there when we wanted to remember about him... Ahri's going out with a guy and also Kai'sa. Only Kai'sa had letted us meet his boyfriend, a guy called Ezequiel? Ezquimal? Ezrial.... Ezreal was his name, to be honest I never have a fuck about their relationship but if it makes Kai happy... Then I'm happy too.

Just a few days ago I met a guy named Felix, he's a nice guy only that he's the "cowboy" style of guy... Maybe I can give him a chance and who knows maybe he'll make me forget about y/n finally...

Ekko's PoV:

I'm currently down in Zaun visiting some old friends... It's been a while since I last heard from y/n so I'll go ask his mom! I walked inside the bar an instead I was welcomed by the big man himself... Silco....

Silco: YOU must be Ekko.

Ekko: Y-yes!

Silco: I've heard a lot about you...

This is going to get ugly....

Y/n's PoV:

Flashback back

Jhin: Find something.... An emotion thats strong enough to plasmate in a canvas!

I was taking painting class with Jhin... My mental state has grown a bit bizarre... Just like his... This man just taught me how to shoot, play de violin, play the piano, paint and even how to make tramps like his.

I decided to paint a angry sea... This was a representation of how I felt the day my life stopped being normal. Having everything you like collapse is simply horrible

Flashback end

I was standing in the middle of an abandoned stage in the abandoned theater a few miles away from jhin's town. I'm playing a song on the violin.

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