Act IV Chapter 3: There's No Rewind Button.

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Evelynn's PoV:

After returning home I felt so happy, having y/n sitting on the same table with me just made me so happy but genuinely happy. This is maybe not correct for me to do but there is no other option.

I was answering some emails when the power went out. This is extremely weird since there's hardly a blackout every year and last time it was our fault.

I pulled out my phone and texted y/n, if he wants to be my friend maybe we can hang out more often as "Friends"

The next morning...

Y/n's PoV:

I slept on the couch since I letted the other y/n to have my room because I ain't a shitty guy, I atleast try to not be an asshole as I think I brought him here.

Its Sunday, I have a play tonight in the theater as a solo violin, ught us should start preparing.

Y/n: I should start making breakfast.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen, and began preparing a breakfast for two. Because I ain't an asshole and if I have someone over i can at least cook for them.

While I was preparing the breakfast I noticed that today wasnt a sunny Sunday morning, but instead it was a rainy morning... The breeze is so gentle and the temperature is somewhat cold....

I served both plates and just when I did so the other y/n came to the dinning table.

Y/n: Good morning, How did you sleep?

M y/n: It was a bit cold during the night but nothing I can't handle.

Y/n: I made breakfast, I really don't know your diet so I just made what I thought you'll like.

I sat down and started eating the scrambled eggs with bacon and pancakes. He soon joined me and we started eating.

Y/n: I'll be busy tonight, you can look around the city or I don't know.

M y/n: You're going to ruthlessly assassinate more homeless?

Y/n: *sarcastic laugh* haha real funny, even if I wanted to I can't. I have to go downtown to the theater, I have a solo play there.

M y/n: So you're a violinist as well? Is there any other surprise from you?

Y/n: I'm a painter, pianist, inventor and a scientific. Only that I got expelled from the university where my lab and I can't practice the scientific part because of it. Mostly because I'm legally restricted to touch anything that can explote.

M y/n: that's extremely specific...

Y/n: would you like a mug of coffee or something to drink?

M y/n: I would like a mug of coffee...

I served the two coffees and took the sugar back to the table, I like my coffee with two tablespoons of coffee just so it tastes better. He prepared his coffee as I suppose he likes it and I grabbed a newspaper that arrived this morning.

Y/n: if you prefer to meet the greatest theater in all piltover you're more than welcome to come to my show. I still have like two entrances.

M y/n: I'll pass, I want to see what's different here.

Y/n: Alright man, also Im going to go out for some groceries and maybe I'll stalk my next pray.

M y/n: that is indeed very creepy from you.

Y/n: just so you know my next prey is a jackass that deserves to die. So it's really not that bad.

Ahri's PoV:

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