Act IV Chapter 7: Marked

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Y/n's PoV:

After what happened yesterday and the talk with akali I fell asleep there... I had since irelia without having a sexual intercourse and I was sucked dry yesterday.... But I'm not staying for breakfast.

The thing that I always hated about this bed is that it's to fucking big. Big enough to have akali on my left side sleeping, ahri on my right side and I'm sleeping in Evelynn's chest... Fuck.

I sighed and tried to gently stand up to leave.... But I barely moved an inch before evelynn pulled me back to her and hugged me Tigher.

Evelynn: You're not leaving until I let you leave~

And now my face is hurried down in her chest, i know there's no point in arguing with her about it but any ways... I could feel her breathing on my head, this is not very uncomfortable but I do feel weird... I knew I was drugged to get here, I figured it out just this morning when I began thinking about how the fuck I got here...

Y/n: evelynn I really have to get going. I have stuff to do today...

Evelynn: and what would be that stuff?~

Y/n: I have to do stuff around my house...

Evelynn: that can wait.

I sighed in defeat even if I wanted to struggle against her I could end up harmed and I don't want that.

Y/n: *whisper* God... What did I just do...

Ahri: You fucked us~. And you gave us the most fantastic night in months~

Then my phone began to ring. And as soon as it began ahri grabbed it and gave it to me...

I saw it was Viktor... So I picked up the call.


Y/n: Y/n l/n speaking how may I be of service?

Viktor: Good morning y/n, unfortunately I have some bad news that may turn good for you but I need to talk with you in person about it.

Y/n: Sure... Where do you want us to meet?

Viktor: you know that cafeteria in front of the academy?

Y/n: yes.

Viktor: let's meet today at 12:30. I should have the papers by then...

Y/n: Guess I'll meet you there soon.

I hanged up and I saw evelynn to the eyes.

Y/n: you're not coming with me.

Evelynn: well I wasn't thinking on going neither.

Y/n: I need to get going now I have to take a shower and get a shirt. Because you ripped it out ahri.

Evelynn finally letted go of me so instead of like normal just walking our and since I'm shirtless I have to call an Uber to pick me up at the very least...

When I was about to order it someone threw a coat over me, I looked back and it was evelynn the one who had thrown me this.

Evelynn: I'm taking you home sweetheart.

Y/n: no need for that I'll just get my ass ubered outta here.

Evelynn: it's not a question. I'm taking you home either the good way or the bad way.

Y/n: the bad way.

Evelynn: huh? Why would that be~

Y/n: momma didn't raise a bitch boy.

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