Chapter 3 "hextech You Say?"

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*-time skip to four months later-*

Y/n's PoV:

It's been almost four months since I sold the air purifier to that Ahri girl, I've only seen her like once or twice since then. Elizabeth went to Ionia for something of a travel so I've been mostly lonely. Apparently the rifle was accepted by her parents and now it's one of the best weapons out there, I've learned a lot about weapons and I finally discovered a way to make my Eternium into something useful. I managed to create a neurotransmitter that helps me un many stuff.

I also created nanotechnology to Fuze ir with eternium, which gives the metal a deep dark color. Now I can reach stuff from shelves with just thinking.

But today is the great day. Ill finally present my new invention. I call it "Black hole project". I started to get ready and in a brief case I protected the eternium and well the rest is all good since I have everything literally in me.

I walked to my mirror and saw myself, maybe this will get regected and I'll have to destroy everything but maybe not. And that's why I'm excited, I fixed my tie and walked out of my house. Everything Is going to go great today.

*-time skip to y/n's presentation.-*

Heim: Mr L/n, do you have something to show us?

Y/n: I belive so Professor Heimerdinger. Just let me get it out of the brief case.

I opened the brief case and pulled our the small lab tube from it.

Y/n: The Universe. Everything out of this planet and our telescopes is far beyond our knowledge... But I it's official over. Dark Matter has been a mystery to all of us... But my investigations had led to this.

I showed the lab tube.

Y/n: This is Eternium, the closest liquid to dark matter. Now you'll say "You just came here to show a black water?" no. I came here to show you something I call it "The black hole project"

I started thinking about a shield and almost instantly it appeared from nowhere, it's basically just nanotechnology that comes out of me.

Y/n: I've Implated myself with a Neurotransmitter that controls nanotechnology fuzed with Eternium. Now not only it's just a black shield....

I grabbed a hammer and slammed it in there, now instead of the shield breaking, the hammer just completely turned into dust.

Heimerdinger: Is it safe?

Council member #2: how does this "neurotransmitter" work?

Y/n: Basically I imagine something and the neurotransmitter gives the order to the nanotechnology to make it. And the only one that has been use to test this so I don't have the knowledge to tell you if it's safe...

Council member #3: Do you have control on other neurotransmitter besides yours?

Y/n: I haven't built any other neurotransmitter. I was waiting to get your approval first...

Heimerdinger: I'm sorry y/n but... I think it's too dangerous, you say that you can create everything with just your imagination.... And that's simply just too dangerous... You have to destroy everything...

Council member #5: I agree with Heimerdinger... It's just too dangerous and uncontrollable... Just because it depends on the user alone...

Y/n: I-I could code restrictions to the newest neurotransmitters!

Heimerdinger: Sorry y/n... We'll have to confiscate everything including the Eternium so it can be destroyed... Including notes...

I sighed in dissapointment... It's not dangerous it's just unknown for them and I Get It...

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