Prologue "deep Inside The Toxic Gas"

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third person point of view:

This streets are full of contaminated gases... It was not always like this but it is now. A Young boy could be found searching in a trash bin... He was not looking for food, he was looking for pieces for his new invention.

Y/n: There! I found it!

The small boy said, y/n is only 11 years old and his hobby is to create gadgets to entertain himself, smart minds always come with almost no friends... But the small one had just a friend... A boy named Ekko, he's 13 a  years old too, they both care about each other.

Ekko: Hey punk! Have you found anything yet?

Y/n: I think I found the last piece for my newest piece of crap!

Ekko: can I see what it does?

Y/n: It's just a ball bazooka. Here come with me!

Y/n took Ekko to his secret hide out, many kids in this streets had one and this one was not ordinary. Unlike any other clever kid, y/n had his hideout full of mathematic Equations calculating the proper pressure for the bazooka to shoot the paper ball in order to make it feel like it was a potato.

Ekko: So this is your hide out?

Y/n: Yup!

Ekko: Man, if you lived in piltover you'll probably be one of the most clever kids in there...

Y/n: Nuh Uh! The city of progress has a lot of great minds! I'm sure Zaun needs me more than piltover!

7 years later...

Y/n's PoV:

'Knock Knock'

Ugh... I thought as I heard my door being knocked on, probably my mother, Im on my desk solving something for my next proyect, it just needs a bit of welding and this should flying properly... It's a small mecaninc boat. I've been designing and building toys for the smallest kids in Zaun. I started doing this after Ekko left to chase his rapping dream and shit...

Y/n: Come on in!

My mom opened the door and she had a paper on her hand...

M/n: What are you making son?

Y/n: Nothing, just a boat for a kid

M/n: aren't you wasting that big brain of yours on toy making?

Y/n: I basically sell my designs and give this toys to kids because it feels good to see the happy faces of those kids.

M/n: Listen y/n, I want you to meet someone...

Y/n: and who may that be?

A tall man entered my room, he had a filter covering his mouth and nose. He's from piltover, and the way he's dressed... He's probably someone important

???: Good afternoon young man...

Y/n: Who the fuck are you?

M/n: Y/n! Be more respectful... He's your...

???: Biological Father. I'm your Father.

Y/n: and what do you want from me? Why did you come here?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!

F/n: I'm here to offer you something, this gadgets of yours and those equations I see on the green board over there are not fully wrong but not fully correct either. I see you have a brilliant mind and I'm here to offer you a place in the university of piltover.

Y/n: I... *sigh* what's the trick? Where are the small letters on the contract?

F/n: There's no small letters nor tricks, in trying to fix my mistake by giving you the opportunity to make a change... It's the least I can do after leaving you for 18 years....

Y/n: can I get some time to think about it?

F/n: Of course, I'll return in 3 days. I'll need an answer by then alright? I'll see you soon y/n, excuse me...

He walked away, I groaned and covered my face with my hands...

M/n: You know it's a good opportunity that you can't just waste...

Y/n: I know... But what would someone like me could even do in a place like piltover?

M/n: you could begin a whole new technological revolution, your dream as a kid was to solve the Gas problem and its consecuences... For your people...

Y/n: But what does that have to do with going to live up in piltover?

M/n: You can't just build up something revolutionary with garbage kid.

She threw some clothes on my bed...

M/n: Your father brought this as well. Now listen to me young man. You want to change the world? Then go study at that university. You want to end up as a bartender like me? Then stay here in Zaun and loose that once in a lifetime opportunity.

Y/n: But mom everybody will dislike me up there! I'm just a guy from the lower class and if I return I will be hated even more here for being a traitor!

M/n: Your duty is to make something that clears up the contaminated shitwhole. Not to be liked or hated by anyone, you hear me?

I remained silent... I mean she is right... Every since I was a kid I wanted to solve the problems around me by inventing stuff... And since I was small they would usually blow up or just not work... But If I can actually manage to invent something up there with anything more than trash I guess I could make a change...

Y/n: Yeah mom... Do you think maybe that asshole is still around here?

M/n: He is belive me, you want me to go get him?

Y/n: Yes... Ill take his offer..

M/n: I'll go get him, You just get yourself dolled up alright toots?

Then she closed the door behind her...

I took a glance at mmthe clothes she left on my bed...


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It's... Well it's from piltover, I putted ir on and I didnt look so bad in it. I mean I'm used to wear what books read as "Steampunk clothes" but this will work....

Let's see what you have for me, piltover

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