Act II Chapter 14: Now We're Falling Apart

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OK this is the last time I'll edit this chapter.

Y/n's PoV:

I'm currently getting dressed for the auction I have with the council, my father and his girlfriend agreed to take me there and then take me home. So know its just time to scroll my handycap ass to the living room.

Once I got there Mundo was actually there.

Mundo: oh hey y/n! Mundo heard you have a trial today!

Y/n: Good morning Mundo, yeah I have one... I kinda fucked up and now I'm in trouble.

Mundo: Well Mundo thinks you'll be fine! Mundo thinks y/n is a very brilliant guy and he will get out of this one!

Y/n: thanks for the cheering Mundo. Also may I ask why are you here?

Mundo: Mundo came here looking for the girls but apparently they aren't here!

Y/n: Oh... Well I didn't know they were going out..


The elevator doors opened and it was my father and Leona....

Y/n: Oh that's my ride Mundo! Nice talking to you man, if the girls come back can you tell them I went to my trial ok?

Mundo: Totally, Mundo wishes you good luck!

My father pushed my wheelchair out of the penthouse...

Timeskip to the trial

Concilors: Y/n L/n. Do you know why you're here?

Y/n: I belive I'm here thanks to being suspect about the tragedy in the lab.

the council members looked at me.

Councilor medarda: What do you have to say in your defense.

Y/n: well with all due respect, how do you expect me to say anything in my defense if you're not acusing me yet.

Heimerdinger: What where you doing in the lab when the explotion happened?

Y/n: I was looking for some notes I needed to read back home since honestly I'm more conformable in my desk than in my lab.

Councilor Salo: Then why were parts of an explosive found.

Y/n: Thats a simple question... But it doesn't have a simple awnser. Some months ago I was Kidnapped and brought down to zaun... Where I was tortured and I'm only alive because they wanted me alive...

Heimerdinger: How can we belive that young man?

I took my e/c contact lenses reveling the bright purple they had...

Y/n: The only thing that kept me alive was the Shimmer... They injected me so many times I lost count... I have multiple scars on my body that can show you the proves... Or if you wish you can check my medical records.

Councilor Kiramman: This is nothing more than an excuse. Tell us why was the explosive object found there.

Y/n: while I was looking for the specific notebook I heard someone come close to me... When I turned around I heard a 'Tic' and the bomb exploted. I belive the group that kidnapped me sended a hitman to finish the job...

Councilor Medarda: Then I am afraid you're a danger to the whole academy. I think it's time to vote.

The whole place closed down showing an inmense darkness...

Councilor Bolbok: I propose Expelling y/n L/n from the academy for being a danger to the whole community... I vote in favor...

Then all of the councilors voted... One except professor heimerdinger... He looked at me with a sad face and then voted positively to their decision...

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