! INFO !

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hey everyone!
I'm starting to edit this fanfic ( two and a half years after starting this oops) and thought about unpublishing at first, but decided against it so that you guys can read it in one go.
But please don't be surprised, or disappointed, if there are any mistakes or blank spaces in unedited chapters.
I promise to fill every gap as soon as possible, but the fanfic is 150 chapters long so I won't be that quick with it.

English is not my first language so if you still notice any mistakes in already edited chapters, please let me know! I'll fix it as quick as I can :)

If you're re-reading this story, then welcome back and I hope the changes I'll make won't change your opinion on the fanfic as a whole.
(Although I won't change major stuff, because I don't wanna change the storyline itself in any way)

Thank you for understanding and have a good time reading!
Opinions on stuff and feedback is always appreciated! <3



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