Levi snapped her head towards him and her eyes widened a little.

I know. He sounded so much like Dad with that fake heavy voice.

"Why don't you go get something to eat, Amira?" Father asked, handing her his card. She looked at me, unsure for a moment before she got up when I nodded.

I will be okay. He can't do anything in a park full of people.

"What has happened to you two?" He muttered, seeing the panic on my face subside.

"Nothing has happened. We just grew up," I said, softly.

"Any questions you want to ask me?" He asked, smiling encouragingly.

"No. But I do have to say something." I said, looking at where Levi was standing near a food stall, looking at me worriedly.

"Go on," He encouraged.

"She didn't take Dad's death lightly. She needs more care and I just want her to get that. Everyone compares us with each other and treats her like a trouble kid. I want us to be treated equally so she can feel loved too," I said, looking at his face nervously which didn't give away any emotions as he listened to everything I said patiently.

He nodded.
"I understand and I assure you that she will not be treated badly. A sibling can have favorites but a father can't." He smiled at the end.

Just then, Levi came back and took her seat again, closer to me this time.

Maybe it will be better for her if we live with him.

"Hey, sweetie," Father smiled at her. "What did you get?"

Yeah. It will be better.

~Amira Levi Mazzanti~

It hurts.

The ways I see Dad in him hurts so fucking much that it's getting intolerable now.

I've spent a day with him and all I've got is memories of Dad.

My mind went to those times just at the mention of a father figure entering our lives again. That was our biological father returning after eleven years.

I know the court didn't allow him to contact Mom or us. Mom wanted no contact with him for some unknown reason.

That's why I tried calling my brothers when we first moved away but they hung up just after hearing my voice.

My foolish twelve year old self called them hundreds of times when Mom was dying and they never picked up. They never attended her funeral.

That's probably why I deleted their number from my Mom's old phone that I kept with me after her death.

That was the last call I made, when the casket was being lowered into the ground. I never called them again nor did I ever think they'd come back into our lives.

Now meeting my father, I'm being reminded again of my Dad's absence. The seven years we spent with him were filled with nothing but happiness, love and safety. Nothing else.

'Amira Levi Verlice, I promise I will protect you till my last breath.'

He kept his promise and indirectly and unknowingly protected us from Lucas when he gave him permission to go study in another city and live by his own at sixteen.

"Levi?" I blinked, turning my head slightly to look at Rose, who was sitting on the bed, the covers pulled up to her chin.

"Yeah?" I asked, shifting slightly and inhaling deeply to relieve the ache in my chest.

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