25) If you wouldn't do it sober, you'll definitely do it drunk

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I scrunched my face with concentration, applying the finishing touches to my makeup. Our Halloween party was tonight, and I was beyond excited. The rest of the fraternity helped put up decorations for the party earlier this week which was perfect. My costume, however, was the most anxiety-inducing thing I've laid eyes on. Dayna took me out shopping a few days prior and insisted on buying my costume. The only catch to that was it had to be what she wanted me to wear. I got up from my kneeling position in front of the body mirror on my floor, cleaning up my makeup products that I had dumped out of the bag. My hands ran down my exposed cleavage to the black one piece I had covering my top-half. The straps were thin on my shoulders, and I was worried they would give out from the decent size of my breasts. Fishnet tights hugged my legs in the most perfect way, and to pull it together, black platform heels were strapped against my feet. Sighing, I grabbed my accessories from the side table and put them on, which included a cute pair of bunny ears that sat on top of my freshly curled hair and a fluffy white ball that sat right on my rear. I felt good in my own skin, and it personally terrified me. Being this confident was scary because who knows what I'll put myself up to. My door began opening which startled me as I held onto it and peeked out in the hallway to see who it was.

My eyes landed on Dayna's beautiful figure as she smiled slyly at me. "Dayna, you scared me." I breathe out, opening the door the rest of the way. Her eyes widen as she takes in my appearance before a grin shined brightly at me.

"You look so fucking hot. If Tristan doesn't bang you tonight, I might have to." The sound of his name made me frown. She instantly noticed and ushered me into my room, shutting the door. "What's up?"

"He's not coming to the party." Yeah, so rewind to earlier today.

I sighed of relief once I finally finished the last assignment for the weekend and closed my laptop. Getting up from my bed, I grabbed the costume that laid on my dresser and contemplated about getting ready. Someone knocked at the door, so I went to see who it was and was instantly surprised to see Tristan standing there. But he didn't look very happy.

"Hey, babes." I greeted in attempt to lighten the mood. We had hardly been on the best of terms, and I think he knows that I found out about his reputation. I had grown severely distant, only spending time with him when he decides to message me. It wasn't very healthy to hang onto Tristan as he was probably bad for me, but it was hard to let go. He was still amazingly nice to me and tried his best, but I didn't like when secrets were kept from me.

"Listen, El. I know you really want me to come to your Halloween party, but my friends at Theta asked me to go to theirs the other night and-"

I stopped him mid-sentence with a rapid movement of my hand, "whoa, I asked you to come with me a long time ago. What happened?"

"Yeah, I get that." He looked down for a moment before meeting my eyes once again. "Hey, you should come with me! It'll be fun, and-"

"You don't think my party is going to be very fun... do you?" I asked, hurt evident in my voice.

"Babe, it's not that I don't think it's going to be fun. I just know more people at Theta than the other frat." I furrowed my eyebrows at him as a thought occurred to me.

Crossing my arms, I cocked my head to the side. "Who's at Theta anyways, Tristan?"

"Just me and the guys. You know how it is."

"Do I?" I rose an eyebrow. "Because if said guys are the same ones that roofie people-"

"Who told you that?" I stayed quiet, not actually having a reason, but had created it in my head as Harry had built a bad picture for Tristan already. The people he hangs out with are probably much worse. "Luke told you that?"

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