26) "I'd do it sober, too"

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"Fuck, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

My heart is racing as I stare at the undeniably pretty girl sitting before me on the bathroom counter. Her hand reaches up to her mouth as her fingertips graze her now swollen lips. My eyes rake her form for any sign of discomfort, but I find none. Her eyes finally find mine, and I could tell she was panicking.

"I kissed you, Luke." She says, a breathy laugh leaving her lips.

I shook my head, "you're with Tristan."

Ellie furrowed her eyebrows at me, "so were you just trying to prove a point that you can get with me by telling me lies?"

"No, everything I said about him is true. He's not a good person." I attempt to reason. I had no clue why I was trying to persuade myself that this was a bad idea, that I didn't want to kiss her. Of course I wanted to kiss Ellie, but not like this.

"What's the big deal, then?"

Before I could sputter out an answer, the door opened revealing Calum and Zoey, attached at the hip. Cal had dark marks on his neck as she linked her arm around his. At the sight of Ellie and I, his eyes widened while he looked between the two of us. "What's going on here?"

Zoey cocked her head to the side and laughed, "well that costume certainly did you justice, Ellie."

Ellie eyed the brunette, "well that was a backhanded compliment."

"I meant it in a good way, promise." For a second, the girls shared a smile and I glanced at Calum. He was already staring at me, seeming to try and figure out what just happened. That was until his eyes moved to my lips. I swiped my hand over them subconsciously before looking down at my fingers. Lipstick.

"Luke, you wanna grab something to drink?" Cal asked with a smirk. I knew I was in for it then. Nodding, I slid past Ellie and Zoey to walk with Calum.

"Alright, you got me alone, what do you want?" I ask as he guides me to my bedroom. I enter behind him and shut the door for more privacy.

"What were you two doing in the bathroom together and why was she on the counter?"

"Nothing, we didn't do anything," I lie, looking down at my feet as I shift my weight.

"You're lying! I can literally see it on your face!" He exclaims. I look at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't want to do the bet anymore, Calum." I could tell by his face that he wasn't happy with my answer. But I didn't care. "It's not fair to Ellie."

"It's not fair to her or not fair to you?" He questioned, staring me down.

"I know things about her that she hasn't told anyone, Cal. She's different-"

"What the fuck did we talk about freshmen year?" He spat out, stepping closer.

I sighed as I had begun to feel bad, "I get it. You had a bad relationship, but I haven't even been in one!"

"Maybe you should've tried that out instead of fucking around with girls in high school, mate."

"We made a stupid pact two years ago, Calum. I mean you and Zoey have been hooking up for how long now? That's almost deserves the relationship title." His fists balled up at his sides as he lightly pushed me.

"You don't know what it's like to get your heart ripped out, and frankly, I'm saving you from feeling that." He says angrily while poking me in the chest. I push his hand away from me.

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