20) Pumpkin spice

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We had been back at school for about a week now. Not much else happened on our short vacation at Michael's beach house besides drinking and playing more stupid games half of us didn't remember the next day. I had begun to feel differently for Ellie after she had confessed one of her deepest secrets to me the first night at the beach house. Hell, I even looked at her differently and hated to admit it. I'd probably looked like a lovesick puppy when she walked into the room. Michael and Ashton saw it. I still needed to talk to Calum. Or at least mention it. I was supposed to say something while we were on vacation, but I didn't want to ruin everyone's fun. It irked me to think that my feelings weren't being thought of during the bet, but it was Calum. He might seem bubbly and flirtatious on the outside, but on the inside, he was stone cold. Especially when it came to females.

My head had been clouded with these thoughts the whole walk to class until I reached the double doors and swung them open to enter. Looking up, my usual spot is empty as usual next to the pretty blonde that I had come to adore. "Good morning," she chirps, sliding me a coffee cup on the desk nonchalantly.

I grinned, taking a sip from the cup and hummed in satisfaction. "Did you add-"

"Pumpkin spice? Yes, I did."

I poured some more past my lips and placed it back on the desk. "It's not even fall yet."

"I like fall things, okay? Don't judge. Besides, we've only got one more week until it is." She crossed her arms and stuck her nose up cutely, shying away from me. I only chuckled and played with the rings decorating my fingers as my tongue darted out against my lip ring, distracting myself in any way I could. Ellie caught sight of this and eyed my actions for a second before turning to the front of the class. The professor walked to the front and did attendance before speaking.

"You all will have a partner project due in two and a half months! Whoever you're sitting by will be your partner and designated friend over the course of these next few weeks, so be prepared to spend a lot of time with them. Your goal for the project will be given to you on these slips of paper, and no one's slip will be the same so that every group has a different topic to cover. You'll also be presenting these to the class for a separate grade. Good luck!" I internally groaned, rolling my eyes. Ellie chuckled, taking the slip of paper from the professor's hands as he handed them out.

"Well, this is dark." Furrowing my eyebrows, I leaned over to read the paper.

Explain how having a good relationship with your parents is crucial for a healthy development.

I cringed at how depressing it sounded. "It shouldn't be too hard."

Ellie laughed at my carelessness, "if you think I'm half-assing this project, you don't know me at all. So, you better help me."

"I will, I will."

Class droned on for a while after as everyone began working on the beginning of their presentations up until the very last minute. As soon as the clock struck eleven-fifteen, Michael was running up the stairs to catch me. "Dude."

"What's up?" I question, hiding my annoyance for disturbing alone time with the blonde that was walking out the double doors of the class.

"We should totally throw a Halloween party."

I rolled my eyes, "you mean I should throw a Halloween party?"

Mikey laughed, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "That's exactly what I mean, Hemmo."

"I thought we had all agreed to take a break from parties since what happened last-"

"I already said something to Ellie." He says hurriedly. My eyebrows raise in surprise.

"And she said it'd be fine?"

"Yeah, she wants to help us plan it, actually." At his words, I just scoffed and shook him off me.

"Yeah, right. She didn't say that."

"Didn't say what?" I heard from in front of me and abruptly stopped, seeing the girl waiting outside the doors.

"You really wanna help us plan a Halloween party?" I asked her.

Ellie shrugged, "it shouldn't be too hard," she mocked, the words I had said earlier ringing in my head. I chuckled at her sassiness, shoving her playfully before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and tugging her close to me, her face pressed against my chest. A muffled squeal left her lips as her hands pushed my chest in attempt to get away.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice asked from behind us. Instantly, Ellie pulled herself from my grasp and fixed her hair to face the voice. As soon as I looked, a frown crawled to my house.

"Tristian, hey!" She exclaimed, her tone changing as soon as her eyes laid on him.

"I was gonna ask if you were free later to go see a movie," he says to her as her lips tilt up in a smile. My eyes find Michael's and he's already giving me a look.

"Uh, yeah. I'm free, just text me the details." Tristan sensually grabs her arm and trails his hand down to meet hers before sending a wink and walking off.

"So, you and Tristan, huh?" Michael asks, knowing those were the exact words I was thinking.

"He's nice to me." Ellie says, shrugging. I turn my head to roll my eyes before plastering on a fake smile.

"Hopefully. Well, I'll catch you guys later, alright?" I gotta get out of here before I say something I'll regret.

"Luke-" Before I can hear the rest of what she says as I walk away, Michael pulls her the opposite direction.

A/N: Just a little bit of a filler chapter 

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