63) Valentine

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February 13th

Happily skipping up the stairs of the fraternity, I thumb through the numerous pieces of mail that were addressed to everyone who lived in the frat when I landed on two envelopes with fancy writing on the front. One addressed to Luke, and one to Calum. Once I reached the bathroom upstairs, I leaned against the doorway and held up the envelopes to the boys who were both fixing their hair in the mirror, and Dayna was sitting on the side of the tub, texting on her phone.

"What's that?" Luke asked as he looks at me through the mirror, combing his fingers through his hair.

I shrug. "Can I open it?"

"Of course," he says, watching as I immediately tear open the top of the envelope, pulling out a small square of cardstock that had floral print around the edges. As my eyes find the words in the middle of the card, they widen and a grin spreads across my face.

Please join us in celebrating

Jack & Celeste

on August 20th at 5 p.m.

"It's an invitation to Jack and Celeste's wedding!" I exclaim. Opening the envelope a little more, I notice two other pieces of cardstock and pull them out. One's pink and had my name written on the front side in pretty lettering, and when I flip it over, I read—

Found my man, got the ring, now I need one more thing... Be my Bridesmaid?

The other card was white with Luke's name on one side, and on the other it said—

Time to suit up!

I hold up the proposals to be in their wedding in order to show Luke. A smile takes over the original concentrated expression on his face and he laughs. "He made a How I Met Your Mother reference, classic," he says, shaking his head. Before I got a chance to respond, the sound of footsteps running up the stairs caused me to turn around just in time to see Michael slip on the last step and stumble to the wooden floor. A loud smack elicited a groan from him, but a cackle left my lips at the scene.

"What the hell are you running for?" I question, watching as he slowly picks himself up off the ground.

"We have to meet Leeway in her office by 2, right? It's 1:55." He breathes out, smoothing down his clothes, and moving towards me.

Calum snorted from the bathroom, Luke following suit. "No, fuckwad, we told you that so you wouldn't be late."

"You guys are dicks," he grumbles, walking passed me to get in the bathroom as well to finish getting ready. Dayna and I exchange a glance, rolling our lips into our mouths to stifle our laughter at the boys' bickering.

Her eyebrows then furrow as she looks around. "Where's Ashton?"

"He's picking us up," I inform her, "said something about how he needed to run some errands, I don't know."

Michael snorts, "yeah, those errands include banging some senior from Alpha Phi."

Calum gasps, slapping Michael's arm. "You're shitting me."

"Quite fortunately, I'm not," he says, buttoning up the dress shirt he had just thrown on, "also, did you guys get an invite to Jack's wedding?"

"Why wouldn't I get an invite to my own brother's wedding?" Luke asks, sass dripping from his tone.

Mikey shrugs, "maybe because you're kind of a dick."

"Okay," I interrupt, clapping my hands together. "Hurry up so we can get there early, it makes you look good."

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