36) Missed You

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I got a little ahead of myself here lmao oops

I hope you guys like it, I literally feel like it sucks.

Also, the pic above is Luke's outfit at the end, besides the change of his jacket. His style is so fucking good.


"What's a hot guy like you doing at an ASU party with a girlfriend?" My eyebrows raise in surprise at the question, and I decide on another tip of the bottle, drinking the last of the alcohol.

"I'm here with my teammates," I answer, tearing my eyes away to look at the people partying instead.

"Ah, so you guys are the team that's planning to beat us tomorrow."

Humming, I nodded, "that's us."

Her hand reaches out to hold my bicep and my heart lurches in my throat. "What position do you play?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "Running back."

"Oh yeah?" I don't answer, and silently hope she removes her hand from my arm. "So, you've got good stamina?"

At this comment, I decided enough was enough and pick up her hand off my arm and pushed it away. "Yeah, for my girlfriend. Not you." This wasn't fair to Ellie; girls shouldn't be like this.

"Oh, come on. We can ditch this party, go back to your hotel-"

"I'm good," I stand up.

"One night won't hurt." She goes to reach for me once more and I dodge her hand, stepping backward.

I scoffed, "what the fuck? No." Spinning on my heel, I put my empty bottle on the counter and made my way back through the party towards the front door. I sent a quick text to Ashton letting him know I was going back to the hotel and left.


It was nearing 6 in the morning, and my head lulled to the side, leaning against the bus window as it slowed to a stop in front of the stadium. As excited as I was to finally be home, I was exhausted. Ashton stood from his seat beside me, and I followed, walking next to him as we trekked the short distance to his car that he fortunately left in the parking lot. I slung my bags into his backseat and slumped in the passenger seat.

"You should really go to the doctor, you know." He says after the long silence. I tiredly looked over at him, attempting the best glare I could.

"I feel fine," I respond, thinking back to yesterday's game that ended with me holding back tears on the bench halfway through the fourth quarter.

"Please just consider it, mate." I didn't answer, huffing as I looked out the window. The ride to the fraternity was short, and I was hauling my bags up to the front door in no time. Silently, I walked up the stairs to my room while trying not to wake anyone. I cracked open the door and placed my bags on the ground as my eyes stared at the lump under the covers.

Oh, bless.

I kicked off my shoes and shut the door then trudged over to the bed and crawled under the blankets. Blonde hair splayed out on the pillow, and I subconsciously wrapped my arms around the small waist under the covers and placed my head in the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent. At my touch, the girl suddenly turned around in my grasp and opened her eyes.

"Luke!" She exclaimed, knocking me over with a hug. Ellie laid her head on my chest while her arms stayed secure around my neck. One of her legs was now sandwiched between mine, and I couldn't care less. I tightened my arms around her waist.

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