28) Is that what I'm doing now adays?

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I laid in a pile of soft blankets for most of the night, letting time pass as I held a small girl in my arms with her head against my chest. My fingers gently caressed the smooth skin that was exposed on her back as goosebumps crawled up her arms. Light began to soak through my curtains signaling the early morning hours. My unoccupied hand searched the side of my bed and eventually found my phone.

5:58 a.m.

I inhaled heavily and looked down at the girl whose eyes were fluttering in exhaustion, but she seemed to not be able to get to sleep. "Do you wanna go out for breakfast?" I ask quietly, laying my hand flat against her back. She sat up slightly and stretched her arms out.

"I'd like that." Sliding out of bed, I pulled out a pair of sweatpants from my drawer and passed them to her.

"You can just roll the waistband if they don't fit," I inform her, grabbing a pair out myself and changing out of my jeans. Her back was turned to me as she rolled up the material to sit right below the line of the boxers that I gave her.

"Is everyone else awake?"

"They should be. Acid usually lasts a good 12 hours. At least from where we get it." Sliding my phone into my sweats pocket, I usher us out my bedroom door and go down to Calum's. After knocking a few times, he opens the door with messy hair and several marks covering his neck.

"I see you've had a good night." Ellie giggles, linking her arm with mine. If any other girl were to do such an action, I would've shaken them off. Calum's eyes dance between the two of us and he smiles.

"I did. Are you guys going somewhere?"

"Breakfast if you're up for it, I'm gonna go get the others downstairs." I say, pointing a thumb towards the banister.

"I think they camped outside. The last time I looked out my window, Michael was laying in the grass." Pursing my lips, I nodded at Cal before going downstairs to find the others. The living room was empty, so I took my chances and looked out the backdoor just to find Dayna, Ashton, and Michael laying on a big comforter while staring at the lightening sky.

Ellie snorted, covering her mouth with her hand before opening the door. "Are you comfortable? Holy crap- it's freezing out here."

I felt the cold breeze and a shiver went up my arms. "We're going out for breakfast if you weirdos want to join." The three popped up at my request and quickly ran past us inside.


"So, was the ground comfortable last night?" Calum asked the three goons who were slowly feeding their mouths.

"I think I might have to see a chiropractor before practice tomorrow," Ashton groans, rubbing out an area in his back.

Dayna giggled, "I'm pretty sure you laid on a rock." Everyone's eyes had bags underneath them from pulling an all-nighter. We had all made sure to clear our schedule for this whole weekend in order to trip. Saturday was for the fun, then today, Sunday, is for recovery. Ellie picked at the eggs on her plate while staring at the table tiredly. My heart ached, and I hoped that she was just tired and didn't have a bad trip. If she did, she'd definitely hide it. Zoey playfully ruffled the girl's hair which caused a small smile to creep up on her lips, and I sighed out of relief- just tired.

I quickly finished up my breakfast knowing there was only a matter of time before complete and utter exhaustion would kick in. Once we were all finished, we exited the café and climbed in Ashton's car. The ride was quiet, only consisting of the plans everyone was going to follow through with for the day. Everyone had planned to go back to their rightful places. Michael and Ashton were going back to their dorms, and Dayna to hers. Zoey and Calum already had plans for the day, and Ellie hadn't said a word. I silently decided for her what she was going to do.

I'd simply let her sleep in my bed all day.

Is that what I'm doing now adays? Letting freshmen sleep in my bed?

Last night I could hardly even speak a word, I was tripping so hard. She felt so good to be around and the vibes weren't off a single bit. In my whole life of doing any sort of drug or even strictly being sober, I'd never been drawn to a person like Ellie as much as I am now. When her head lulls to the side against my shoulder is what knocks me out of my thoughts. I look down at our exhausted forms that laid out along my bed with the windows cracked ever so slightly in order to welcome fresh air. Ellie laid on her stomach with her left leg hooked over mine absentmindedly, arms tucked into my side. Fishing my phone from my pocket, I opened my camera. Getting the two of us perfectly in the frame, I snapped a few pictures for safe keeping. Sleep soon took over my conscience as I finally relaxed my mind enough to be able to.

As quick as I had drifted to sleep, I was already beginning to wake up. Due to the orange light leaking through my windows, I could tell that it was nearing late afternoon. Voices were heard from downstairs and out in the hallway letting me know that all my frat brothers were home. Usually, they'd scatter off throughout the week doing their own thing, but everyone always makes their way back by Sunday night. I stretched the limbs that I could, my right arm being held down to the mattress by the weight of the pretty blonde. My eyes found the soft features of her face as she yawned. Twisting her body ever so slightly, her eyes flicked up to mine. I couldn't help the smile that crawled to my lips.

"Hey pretty girl," I say quietly. Ellie hums in response, scrunching her nose as a chuckle bubbled from her chest. Pink decorated the apples of her cheeks at my compliment. I wrapped an arm around her waist and let it rest against her exposed hip, her breath hitching as I did so. Our faces were only inches apart. I looked down at her lips and made my decision, leaning down to close the gap between us, but as soon as my lips brushed hers, a loud bang at the door made me pull my head away from her to see what the commotion was. Calum stood there leaning against the doorway with a slice of pizza in his hand, taking a bite out of it while my door handle bounced off the wall.

"There's pizza downstairs if you guys want any."

I sighed, pressing my lips into a thin line. "Thanks, Calum." Ellie got up from her spot on the bed and I turned to face her.

"Let's get some pizza, shall we?"

No one else was in the kitchen as the two of us entered. A few pizza boxes littered the counter with different types of pizza in them awaiting our decision. I simply stuck with the pepperoni pizza while Ellie went for the meat lovers.

"You like meat, huh?" I joke. The girl rolled her eyes and bit into her slice, nonetheless.

"You're annoying, you know that?"

"I prefer charming." I flirt, winking at her. Ellie giggled, stepping closer to me.

"You'd be a lot more charming if," she stops for a moment, gliding the pad of her thumb smoothly against the corner of my mouth, "you didn't have pizza sauce on your face." I caught myself staring at the features on her face, taking in the perfect curve of her nose and the light freckles that peppered her cheeks from the past summer months.

I was truly and deeply falling in love with this girl, even from the moment I sat next to her during our psych class, when I laughed as Michael pat down her shirt with napkins and her hot chocolate coated her clothing, bothering her in the library, partying after games. This was never meant to be how my junior year of college went, but I sure wasn't complaining.

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