12) Eargasm

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My eyes give the crowd a once over, checking for the millionth time to see if she's here. A hand pulls my shoulder from behind me rather harshly, and I scowl, whipping around. "What?" I snap. Ashton stood there with a bored expression on his face.

"Will you focus? We're getting graded on this shit, Luke. Stop worrying about how many chicks out there will fuck you after this."

I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms. "I'm not worried about that. Why should I be, every other time it's pretty easy."

Ashton rolls his eyes, knowing I was right. "Oh, fuck off." He wasn't much of a ladies' man, but he had his fair share of girls he'd taken to bed.

"Are you pussies ready?" Mikey asked while walking up to us with his head down as his fingers plucked at his strings.

"Fuck off Mike." Ashton and I say simultaneously. Calum shook out his hands as he usually did before he went on stage before taking a deep breath. Our heads shot up at the man who waved us towards the stage to get sat up. I allowed my friends to go on first before following them up there. I quickly got my shit together and strode up to the mic as Michael and Calum began their plucking of strings on their instruments.

"My girlfriend's bitchin' cause I always sleep in, she's always screamin' when she's callin' her friends." I belted into the mic, dropping my right hand to harshly pull the strings on my guitar. "She's kinda hot tho!"

Michael looked over at me as he opened his mouth, "Yeah, she's kinda hot though." The girls in the crowd screamed in excitement at our intro to the song. My heart was pounding as our instruments shredded through the air, my skin growing sweatier by the minute. We had to work through two more songs before the next group had their turn on stage.

"I'll take what you got, got, got

I know it's not a lot, lot, lot

Cause I just need another hit

You're the thing that I can't quit

You got what I want, want, want

Here but then you're gone, gone, gone

If you told me we were through, you know that I would break the truth." I sang in the mic, scanning the crowd. There were girls dressed in hardly anything, and I knew I'd have it rough tonight. But the one that stuck out was Ellie, standing by herself with a smile on her face. She was truly enjoying this, and it was different seeing her more laid back as she let herself go with the flow of the music. I noticed the male attention she was getting, not that she had a single clue, and rolled my eyes as I waited for my part in the song.

We had written a few songs, our last few being in a hurry. Our best bet was basing the lyrics off a fantasy girl. It helped gain some female attention as well as increase the pheromones in the room. For some reason, girls from the University got off on the way I perceived myself on stage. I basked in it. As our last song ended, I grinned as the crowd applauded our performance before exiting the stage from the back.

"Dude, we did so good!" Calum exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders and lifting himself off the ground, jumping carelessly. I laughed, shoving him off me. Michael whirred by me in a blur before I saw him talking to Ellie, them doing their own celebratory conversation. Calum soon followed, so I decided to as well. I felt hands brush against different parts of my body as I walked through the crowd until I reached my friends.

"So, you can sing." Ellie commented, nudging me with her elbow. "What else can you do Mr. I'm good at everything?"

I tried to choke back my smug remark, and I could tell that Mikey and Calum already knew it was coming. "Stay the night and you'll see." As soon as it fell from my lips, a hand smacked up the backside of my head.

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