48) Flashbacks

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My fingers move against the strings of my guitar as I sit on the floor of the theater with Calum, Michael, and Ashton. We had been here for a few hours, trying to conjure up new ideas for songs, but had no luck. The sound of the theater door opening caused all our heads to look up. Ellie approached, juggling three bags of McDonald's and two drink carriers. Instead of letting her come to us, we were in front of her taking all of the items within seconds, leaving her with her own food and drink.

I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips in return, "thanks, babe."

"Have you guys had any luck, yet?" She asks, walking next to me as we go back to the instruments.

"No, because Luke's been gatekeeping his songbook!" Michael exclaimed, flailing his arms in the air to show his frustration.

I roll my eyes at him, "oh, fuck off. Come up with something on your own, yeah?"

"Why can't they see what you've written?" Ellie questions, taking a seat on the edge of the stage.

I bite the inside of my cheek, eyeing my book that peeked out of the unzipped part of my bag. The truth was that the songs I had were about her, and I didn't want them to think I was some softy. I also wanted those feelings to stay pure, and for no one to know but me and her. Seeing as everyone was staring at me expectantly, I sighed, stalking over to my bag. Pulling the songbook out of its place, I thumbed through the pages quickly until I reached my destination. There were two songs. Each one written a few pages apart. The first one I wrote for Ellie when I asked her to be my girlfriend, and I ended up finishing it not long after. The second one I was working on for a while and finished it only a few days ago. Picking up the acoustic guitar I was practicing with, I went and sat on the edge of the stage, notebook spread next to me.

Although the song was supposed to be way more electric, I strummed the first few chords so that the boys could get a taste of what it would sound like. "You walked in; everyone was asking for your name. You just smiled and told them trouble," I sing, my eyes glued to the notebook, trying to memorize the words I wrote out.

"My head spins, I'm pressed against the wall just watching your every move. You're way too cool and you're coming this way. How did we end up talking, in the first place? You said you liked my Cobain shirt, now we're walking back to your place. You're telling me how you love that song about living on a prayer, I'm pretty sure, now we're halfway there. But when I wake up next to you, I wonder how~ how did we end up here?" Glancing up, I notice how my friends are all sitting there, bobbing their heads in enjoyment, while Ellie stares at me in awe, probably remembering our late-night talks.

"Next day out, everybody thought you were so insane 'cause you were so far out of my league. My friends say I should lock you down," meeting Ellie's gaze, I feel myself smile, "before you figure me out and you run away. But you don't and you won't as you kiss me, and you tell me that you're here to stay."

"Call me lucky 'cause in the end, I'm a six and she's a ten. She's so fit, I'm insecure, but she keeps coming back for more. How did we end up talking, in the first place? You said you liked my Cobain shirt, now we're walking back to your place. You're telling me how you love that song about living on a prayer, I'm pretty sure, now we're halfway there. But when I wake up next to you, I wonder how~ how did we end up here?" Finally bringing the song to an end, my hand flattens out on the guitar strings, abruptly stopping them. Looking around at my friends, they all have proud smiles on their faces, and a spark of relief courses through me.

"That was the cutest fucking thing I've ever heard," Michael suddenly says, wiping away a fake tear. And for the second that I thought they were going to make fun of me, I was wrong. "Keep putting your whole Luk-ussy into these songs and we'll be famous in no time." At his words, everyone else starts cackling, even Ellie. I only roll my eyes as I set my guitar to the side.

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